Summer School & Earning Credit

for Courses Completed

at other Institutions

Summer School

In accordance with the Oak Park Unified School District's educational objectives students may be granted credit toward graduation subject to the following limitations:

Students may retake a failed class at any accredited high school or adult school.

Students may take online correspondence courses for remediation credit, except for Science and Foreign Language

Note: the University of California or the California State University does not recognize “D’s” or “F’s” as passing. Additionally, if a student has already earned a “C” or better in a course, neither the UC nor CSU will accept a higher grade if the class is repeated. Please speak to your counselor about repeating a class..

Students may not take elective or core classes for acceleration or first time credit in any setting other than the Oak Park Educational Foundation Summer program.

Students may not take online courses in lieu of elective or core classes for acceleration or first time credit.

Students may not apply more than a maximum of 15 credits of summer school credit per year towards the OPHS graduation total without administrative/counselor approval.

Only 10 credits of summer school credit per year may count towards core-required courses for graduation.

Adult Education

Students may take adult education courses to make up credits. Permission must be obtained from an administrator and/or counselor prior to registering for classes. Students may not apply more than one adult education course per semester, or a total of 10 credits for the school year, towards the OPHS graduation requirements total.

Note: Most adult education courses are for High School credit only since they do not meet college preparatory criteria for UC, CSU, or Private School admission. Students should discuss their plans with a counselor in order to ensure that they will stay on track for college entrance.

Maximum Credit

Normally, a student may enroll in a maximum of 80 credits per school year through a combination of Oak Park High School classes, adult school classes and/or college courses. With demonstrated need and administrative/counselor approval, a student may petition to enroll in more than 80 credits during the school year. Typically, additional credit might be earned through classes in work experience, distance learning or correspondence programs. See your counselor for details.

College Courses for High School Credit

Under special circumstances, students may also take courses at accredited colleges or universities for high school credit. Students must obtain administrator and/or counselor approval prior to registering for college courses. For a college course to be used in lieu of a high school core class, it must be equivalent to the OPHS curriculum and address the essential standards of the high school course. An official college transcript, showing the completed coursework, must be provided to the OPHS registrar in order for the college course to apply to the OPHS transcript. Students may not apply more than one college course per semester, or a total of 10 credits for the school year, towards the OPHS graduation requirement total. College courses will not receive extra grade points when placed on the high school transcript. (See your counselor for further information.)

For properly articulated courses college-to-high school credit will be granted as follows:

    • A 5 semester unit college course will be granted 10 high school credits
    • A 3 or 4 semester unit college course will be granted 5 high school credits
    • A 1.5 or 2 semester unit college course will be granted 2.5 high school credits
    • For college courses less than 1.5 units a combination of lesser credits may be used to accrue 1.5 credits

Online Courses for High School Credit

For the purposes of remediation only, students may take courses through an accredited online program. The online schools must have also been approved by the University of California. You can view the list of UC approved providers at the following link on the UC website: Click for Link

Students must obtain administrator and/or counselor approval prior to registering for any remedial online courses. Students may not take an online course for acceleration or first-time high school credit on the OPHS Transcript.

Matriculation / Acceleration

Most students will elect to maintain the minimum full-time status while enrolled at Oak Park High School (see definitions under Required Number of Classes). This will ensure a smooth path to completing the 240 credits required for graduation. However, there may be some students who wish to accelerate through high school for a variety of reasons. Through a combination of summer school, college or adult education courses and other additional credits these students may come to the middle of their senior year having met all or most of the requirements for graduation. Students that have a desire to do this must plan ahead and discuss with their counselor no later than the end of their junior year in order to ensure that they will be able to meet all of the Oak Park High School graduation requirements. Additionally, students and parents must understand that this decision will likely affect eligibility to participate on CIF teams and in other school-related activities that occur during the senior year.