Academic Honesty

Academic Honesty

A student's long-term success in school, college, and career is based on what (s)he has learned, not on grades. Thus, any assignment, test, or quiz that a student turns in is expected to reflect what (s)he has done. Many students have come to believe that their grade, not their learning, is the key to success. As a result, cheating, copying, and other forms of academic dishonesty have become widespread. To reduce the likelihood of such behaviors, we have instituted the following policy in order to redirect our students’ energies toward learning:

A student is considered to be in violation of school policy on Academic Honesty when (s)he participates in any of the activities included in, but not limited to, the list below:

  • Copying another student’s answers on a test, quiz, or homework, or supplying them to another student. Note: All assignments shall be considered to be individual assignments (and not worked on with others) unless specifically stated otherwise by the teacher.
  • Securing a copy of a class test or quiz beforehand or taking one to pass it on.
  • Getting answers or questions from students who took the test or quiz earlier.
  • Giving answers or questions to students who will take the test or quiz later.
  • Copying homework or any class assignment from any source(including the Internet), or allowing another student to copy one’s own work.
  • Willfully falsifying data and presenting it as one’s own research or work.
  • Having unauthorized tests aids and not following test or assignment protocol. Note: Any use of a cell phone whatsoever during a test may be considered a violation of the academic honesty policy.

The teacher’s professional judgment in consultation with administration shall determine whether or not a student has cheated. It is the responsibility of the student to avoid any situation or action that may cause teachers to believe that this policy has been violated. The teacher will also determine whether the assignment involved is considered minor or major. While there are no degrees of honesty, we acknowledge that there are degrees of transgression and therefore recognize a progressive disciplinary policy whereby more serious infractions and subsequent violations result in progressively more serious consequences.

Consequences and Procedures

Points (Points are cumulative and accrue throughout the students entire four years)

Consequences - 0 on assignment deemed a part of an academic honesty incident

Review Process

The Review Board’s purpose is not to determine whether or not cheating actually transpired, but to determine if extenuating circumstances exist and should mitigate the disciplinary outcome. Formal review requests of serious or repeat violations must be submitted by a student in writing, addressed to the assistant principal’s office at the high school, and received within ten (10) school days of the date of the incident. A Review Board comprised of teachers and an administrator meets to review requests prior to granting a hearing. Students will be notified if the committee will grant a review hearing and of the date when the student must appear before the committee.

  1. The Review Board will be comprised of four tenured teachers and one administrator
  2. Board members may recuse themselves if circumstances deem it appropriate.
  3. Review Board shall hear from student and teacher and be responsible for reviewing the incident including any extenuating circumstances. The Review Board may recommend an alternate outcome based on their findings.
Academic Honesty Policy 2020-21