Substance Abuse Policies


The Oak Park Unified School District recognizes that substance abuse (misuse of tobacco/nicotine delivery products, alcohol, and other drugs) is both a community and a personal problem. When teenagers abuse alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs, every aspect of their lives will eventually be affected. The use of these drugs adversely affects a student's ability to achieve academically, is physically and emotionally harmful, and has serious social and legal consequences.

Chemical dependency is a treatable health problem. Therefore, the School District, in cooperation with community-based agencies, law enforcement, and parents, is committed to a comprehensive substance abuse prevention program. The program includes instruction, intervention, enforcement/discipline, and support to recovering students.

The administration shall adhere to the following regulations relative to student drug involvement on school property or when involved in a school-sponsored activity. These regulations are to be applied continuously to each student throughout his/her tenure with the Oak Park School District, regardless of transfers between schools or to alternative programs. The additional consequences for infractions of these regulations for those students participating in extracurricular activities shall also be outlined in the Oak Park High School Code of Ethics Contract for Participation in Co-Curricular Activities.

Drug or Alcohol Use & Possession

It is unlawful for a student to possess, use, or be under the influence of any controlled substance (as defined in Section 11007 of the California Health and Safety Code), an alcoholic beverage, or an intoxicant of any kind on school premises or at a school-sponsored or related event.

Possession of paraphernalia used for injecting/smoking/ingesting controlled substances is unlawful.

When the principal or his/her designee determines that there is sufficient evidence that a student has used, sold, or otherwise furnished, or is under the influence of alcohol or any other controlled substance, or is in possession of drug paraphernalia, alcohol, tobacco/tobacco related products or any other controlled substance in violation of this section at school, while going to or coming from school, during the lunch period whether on or off campus, or during, or while going to or coming from a school-sponsored activity, the principal or designee will take immediate disciplinary action against the student. Such immediate action will include, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Confiscation of the alcohol, controlled substance, and/or paraphernalia.
  • A five (5) day suspension and documentation of drug offense in student’s discipline record.
  • Notification of local law enforcement authority within one (1) school day of the suspension (Ed code 48902) for possible citation and/or arrest.
  • Notification of parent or guardian.
  • Assignment to a substance abuse training program of ten (10) sessions with their parents over a two-month period.
  • Restriction from all extracurricular school activities; including athletics, for one (1) calendar year.
  • Possible recommendation for expulsion (automatic for sales, arranging to sell, or otherwise furnishing a controlled substance; and also for possession of a controlled substance except less than one ounce of marijuana other than concentrated cannabis).
  • Immediate drug/Breathalyzer test.

Use or Possession of Tobacco or Tobacco Substances

Use of tobacco by a student on school premises or at a school-sponsored or school-related event is a violation of OPUSD board policy and California law. Students are not permitted to smoke, chew, inhale, vape, or possess tobacco or nicotine products on school property, at school-sponsored or school-related events, or while otherwise under the supervision of a District employee.

When any staff member, administrator or principal's designee determines that a student USED or POSSESSED A TOBACCO OR NICOTINE PRODUCT on school property or at a school-sponsored or school-related activity, or while otherwise under the supervision of a District employee, the following minimum procedures shall be instituted:

First Offense:

  • Confiscation of tobacco or nicotine products and/or paraphernalia
  • Student conference
  • Parent/guardian contact
  • Suspension or alternative consequence to be determined by principal or designee including cotinine/nicotine testing contract
  • Possible referral to an appropriate counseling and support program
  • Suspension of extra-curricular participation per the OPHS Co-curricular Code

Second Offense:

  • Confiscation of tobacco or nicotine products and/or paraphernalia
  • Student conference
  • Parent/guardian contact
  • If the contract was signed upon the first offense, termination of the contract and the first offense discipline that was suspended as a result of the contract will be implemented.
  • Suspension or alternative consequence to be determined by principal or designee
  • Referral to an appropriate counseling and support program
  • Suspension of extra-curricular participation per the OPHS Co-curricular Code

Subsequent Offenses:

  • Suspension
  • Student/parent/guardian conference
  • Disciplinary probation with a behavioral contract
  • Referral to an appropriate counseling and support program
  • Suspension of extra-curricular participation per the OPHS Co-curricular Code

The purpose of the referral to a counseling and support program is early intervention and prevention of further use. Upon a first time infraction of the substance abuse policy, a student may be assigned to this type of program. This program is coordinated by an Assistant Principal and meets with a community drug counselor for group counseling and prevention education. Parents/guardians are required to attend these group meetings with their students.


Optional One (1) Year Proactive Intervention Program for First Offense:

· Referral to an appropriate community-counseling and support program. The student and family shall complete ten (10) sessions within a one (1) year period.

· The student and parent/guardian sign a contract agreeing to counseling and random drug testing conducted at school by an outside agency. Such contract shall include a waiver of invasion of privacy rights.

· Restriction from all extracurricular activities, including athletics, will be rescinded when the student has provided the principal or designee with a ‘clear’ drug test from an acceptable outside agency. Such testing shall include collection of the specimen in a non-observed manner and shall test only for drugs, not physical conditions such as diabetes or pregnancy.

· The record of the first drug offense and any subsequent drug offenses will remain on the student’s discipline record.

· If a student tests positive, showing continued use of drugs, the incident will be treated as a second offense and the student will be recommended for expulsion.

· Notification of law enforcement within one (1) school day of the suspension for possible citation and/or arrest (Education Code 48902).

*This optional program is not available for a first offense of selling or furnishing alcohol or other controlled substances.

Second Offense:

A second drug/alcohol-related offense at any time during the student’s four years of high school will result in an automatic suspension and possibly a recommendation for expulsion.

Mandatory Suspension and Recommendation for Expulsion for Selling/Furnishing Alcohol, Controlled Substance, or Look-Alike Substance

It is unlawful and grounds for immediate suspension and expulsion for a student to offer, arrange, or negotiate to sell any controlled substance listed in Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 11053) of Division 10 of the Health and Safety Code, alcoholic beverage, or intoxicant of any kind; it is also unlawful and grounds for immediate suspension and expulsion for a student to sell, deliver, or otherwise furnish to any person another liquid, substance, or material and represent that liquid, substance, or material as a controlled substance, alcoholic beverage, or intoxicant of any kind on school premises, while going to or coming from school, during the lunch period whether on or off campus, or during, or while going to or coming from, a school sponsored activity.