Honors & Advanced Placement Courses

Honors and Advanced Placement Courses

Honors (H) and advanced placement (AP) courses provide an opportunity for students to pursue a more rigorous course of study. We encourage students to challenge themselves by taking as many rigorous courses as they can be successful in.

Eligibility for honors and Advanced Placement courses includes a having strong passion for the course content and previous evidence of exemplary work in the subject matter.

Prerequisites and details for all courses are detailed in the AP and Honors Webpage on the OPHS website.

Additionally, AP courses, which follow a college-level course of study, prepare students to take an exam sponsored by the College Board in May. Many colleges and universities grant college credit for courses taken in high school if the student passes the exam. However, it is important to note that individual colleges and universities determine their own policies for granting college credits for AP classes. As previously mentioned there is no consistency in terms of how colleges, universities, or scholarship programs will use the grades earned in advanced coursework when calculating the GPA for admissions eligibility.

However, colleges and universities want to see students take the most rigorous curriculum they are capable of because this is one of more reliable predictors of future success in college. You should contact your schools of choice to determine their respective honors/AP policies.

Check out our web site to see which honors and AP courses are offered at Oak Park High School for the upcoming school year. Low enrollment numbers may impact our ability to offer some of these courses.

If you do not meet the prerequisites, you may appeal by submitting an Appeal to Enroll Form

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