Online Learning

This information provides guidelines for parents and students enrolled in Online Learning. Online Lerning is a program within Oklahoma City Public Schools and is subject to the policies and regulations of Oklahoma City Public Schools and the Oklahoma State Department of Education. Online Learning follows the Oklahoma City Public Schools’ academic calendar and testing schedule. 

Policy and Procedure


OKCPS is committed to providing an optimal learning experience for all learners, including our students enrolled in e3 Online Learning.  Online Learning: 

OKCPS developed the online learning program based upon the core belief that the teacher-student relationship is key. Teachers will have weekly interactions with their students virtually, either individually or in small groups. Middle school and high school students have an option to choose to take electives such as performing arts, CTE, Fine Arts or sports courses online or attend elective classes in person at their home schools. Online Learning curriculum is provided through the Content Management Systems (CMS): Pre-K – District-created curriculum, K-5th Grade – Florida Virtual, and 6th-12th Grade – Edgenuity.

Admission Requirements

To participate in OKCPS e3 Learning, students must:


Review Committee

Each online learning student's progress and achievement in the program will be reviewed by the committee at each site at the end of each quarter. This review could result in a conference that could result in contract modifications or possibly a change of placement.

Parent/Guardian Outline for Success 

Student Outline for Success

Technology Tools for Success

Please refer to OKCPS Responsible Use Policy and care for district-issued technology.

Internet Use and Behavior 

The District provides access to its computer network and the Internet for educational purposes only. Students should consult their teacher or librarian if they question the appropriateness of an Internet activity, site, or resource.

The District recognizes that online-based instruction can expand course offerings not currently available in the District, for recovery of credit, or to fulfill graduation requirements in certain cases. Credit will be granted only for courses that have been approved by the District, and for students who have met the requirements outlined in regulation.

Prerequisites for online courses are the same as for regular courses. The Principal or designee shall determine the appropriateness of course/s for each student.


For more information, refer to OKCPS Digital Citizenship section. 

Curriculum & Instruction

OKCPS e3 Learning uses the Content Management Systems (District-created curriculum (Pre-K), FLVS (K-5) and Edgenuity (6-12), program for online curriculum and instruction. Students will work with an OKCPS certified teacher to complete coursework. The administrator from the student’s site, as well as the District’s Online Coordinator, will monitor the curriculum and instruction throughout the year. As with traditional-placement students, the school counselor will be available to discuss needed credits to ensure high school graduation requirements are met.  

Schedule Changes/Placement Change 

Students from Pre-K through 8th grade are required to make a 9-week commitment when deciding to take classes in the e3 Online Learning placement. High school students are required to make semester commitments if they choose the e3 Online Learning placement.The only time students at any level can opt into e3 Online Learning, is at the beginning of a semester. 

Credit Recovery

Credit Recovery will utilize Edgenuity for online curriculum core courses. Only high school students who have attempted a course and received a failing grade or grade no credit may be enrolled in Online Learning for Credit Recovery.  Counselors will complete an OKCPS Online Learning Credit Recovery form.

Original Credit 

Original credit courses in OKCPS Online Learning are those students are taking for the first time.  Students can utilize online learning part time while attending other courses in person on campus or full time.  Some examples could be students who are behind on credits, unique course needs, health concerns that limit in-person class time, alternative placement, and many other situations.


Flexible Learning

Students have access to OKCPS e3 Learning 24/7, which allows the student to work ahead and/or complete lessons from any location.  Therefore, if a student’s course completion rate is not on pace, and/or the student does not communicate with the teacher/s, the student may be considered truant.

If the student is enrolled in both online and traditional classes, the OKCPS attendance policy must be followed for both the traditional courses taken on campus and Online Learning.

Counseling Services

OKCPS Counselors are available to address student concerns, answer questions regarding grades, monitor progress, and check transcripts. Please contact the counseling center at your school site.

School Library Services

Students will be able to access their home school site libraries during school hours. Students should check in at the main office and go directly to the library. Students should check out in the main office upon leaving the building.

Extracurricular Clubs, Activities, & Athletics

OKCPS Online Learning is a program within Oklahoma City Public Schools, which provides opportunities for students to participate in extracurricular clubs, activities, electives and athletics offered at our school sites when possible. 

Please see your campus counselor to select your electives during the enrollment process. Changing elective courses will remain consistent with each school site’s current practices.

Students requiring eligibility for contests and athletic events must follow OSSAA guidelines which state that students must be enrolled in a class in a traditional setting to be allowed to participate. Example: A student who wants to play football must be enrolled in football class at their respective school.

e3 Learning Students on Campus 

Students who are participating in extracurricular activities or attending elective classes at school sites are expected to follow school rules and expectations. When students arrive on campus during the school day for classes or activities, they are to immediately check in with the attendance office and then to the appropriate location. Students who are participating in an activity outside of the school day should immediately report to the designated location on campus.    


All secondary e3 teachers and curriculum are NCAA approved. Upon enrollment, the student and/or parent must notify the OKCPS e3 Learning coordinator if the student desires to be NCAA eligible. There are specific requirements in terms of courses that need to be completed, testing requirements, and communication requirements that the student must adhere to in order to be eligible. Students who start a course in the traditional setting and transfer to e3 Learning will need to check with the counselor to confirm the new course is approved by NCAA despite the change.

Participation in District- and State-Mandated Testing

Students attending OKCPS e3 Learning will be required to participate in district and state mandated testing in accordance with Oklahoma City Public Schools policies and Oklahoma State Department of Education guidelines. Any student enrolled in OKCPS is required to participate in OKCPS academic content assessments, District benchmark assessments, iStation, WIDA, other district testing and OSTP State Testing.     

Students served on an IEP, 504 and ELAP 

Prior to being officially enrolled into the OKCPS e3 Learning program, the campus educational team can meet to review the student’s IEP/504 placement and discuss the appropriateness of the e3 Learning platform for the student. An IEP/504 change of placement team meeting will occur according to state and district guidelines.  

OKCPS English Language Development (ELD) teachers will coordinate with e3 online learning teachers to provide appropriate and adequate services to these students. English learner students are entitled to modifications and accommodations to ensure their understanding and participation in Online Learning courses in a way that supports their English development. e3 teachers are responsible for modifications and accommodations, according to the student’s ELAP. Students with qualifying WIDA scores may be eligible for e3 ELD classes for additional support; counselors and on-site ELL Coordinators can provide more information about what is available. Newcomer EL students may be enrolled in ELD, sheltered and elective classes, according to their newcomer placement; newcomer counselors may assist with program enrollment.