Week 6

Hello Music Friends!

Last week, you created a Musical Rollercoaster on the music Flip Grid. If you did not get a chance to check out the music Flip Grid, that is what you will do this week!

Please click on the picture above to access the Flip Grid.

You will need your school email and password. Please email me if you have any questions!

Please scroll down for more Week 6 activities.

This year, we learned how to keep a "Steady Beat."

We also practiced many different "Steady Beat Moves."

We practiced singing and listening while patting different parts of our body.

We also practiced playing the steady beat on different instruments!

First, you will practice patting the steady beat while listening to this song.

Which steady beat move will you do first?

You can choose a few. I am going to pat my head and clap my hands!

With permission from a parent, listen and practice the steady beat to the song below.

With a parent, you can choose your own favorite song to pat the beat too also!

After you are finished practicing your steady beat moves, you will create your own instrument at home and practice the steady beat by playing your own homemade instrument! Please complete this activity with a family member and with permission.

Here are some ideas:

  • You can tap two pencils together lightly.
  • You can play the "drums" on your desk by tapping your desk or table lightly.
  • You can use pots and pans to make an instrument.

If you have any questions, please email me at BMurphy2@obenschools.org

Below are some other songs that are fun to practice the Steady Beat to.

What is your favorite song?