Week 9

Hello Music Friends!

This week, we are going to practice singing the "Bluebird" song!

I had lots of fun singing "Frog Jumps Down" with you in our Google Meet. I posted the keyboard music and lyrics below!

Frog Jumps Down (from Google Meet)

Frog jumps down,

Swims around,

Happy in his lily pond.

We play Frog Jumps Down with our Yellow Lemon Left Hand!

Which fingers do we skip when we play Frog Jumps down?

Please say that ta's and the ti-ti's!

What cool facts did you learn about frogs in our Google Meet?

Feel free to practice "air playing" Frog Jumps Down!

The Bluebird Song!

Please watch my Flip Grid and practice singing the Bluebird Song!

You will need your OBEN email and password to enter the Flip Grid.

Please email me with any questions you may have. BMurphy2@obenschools.org

Here comes a Bluebird in through my window

Hey, Diddle-dum-a day day day

Take a little friend and tap them on the shoulder

Hey, Diddle-dum-a day day day

When you practicing singing...

you may notice that some sounds are higher and some are lower in the Bluebird song! Here is a fun video about high and low sounds.

How can you show high and low sounds with movement?

Can you think of a movement to show high sounds?

How about low?