Week 5

Hello Music Friends!

I hope you enjoyed the activity posted on the music flip grid last week.

If you did not respond to the music flip grid, that is what you will do this week. Please go back to Week 4 and check out the music flip grid. If you have any questions, please email me! BMurphy2@obenschools.org

This week, you will use the 4 beats you wrote last week and play them to the song,

Best Day of My Life!

For example, if I wrote "ta ta ti-ti ta," I could clap that over and over again.

You may choose to clap, pat your shoulders, any "rhythm" move that you would like!

Stay tuned for another Flip Grid! That is where you will share your response.

With permission from your parent, click below to listen to Best Day of My Life.

When you are done practicing the ta's and ti-ti's you wrote last week and when you are finished playing them along with the song, please reflect and answer the following:

1. Did your 4 beats fit with the song? If your answer is no, how can you make them fit?

2. Were your ta's and ti-ti's faster or slower than you expected?

If you are looking for more music activities to complete this week, head on over to the Chrome Music Lab! Let me know which activity you chose to try and what you think!

With permission, click below: