Week 4

Hello students, Hello students, Hello students, How are you today?

Sing our "hello" song to a family member!

Last week, we practiced "Ode to Joy" by Beethoven.

Beethoven is a composer. A composer is someone wrote writes music.

This week, you will head to the Chrome Music Lab and create your own melody.

You will be a composer this week! I'm so excited!

Melody is the tune of a song!

What are some songs that you know the tune (or melody) of?

Can you sing the melody of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star?"

How about some other songs?

When you are finished with that, please watch the following video.

This is how you will make your own melody!

Melody Maker- Chrome Music Lab.mp4

Once you are finished watching my tutorial, head on over to the Chrome Music Lab (click on picture below). Have fun! Please feel free to email me with any questions. BMurphy2@obenschools.org