
This page will be updated each semester

Department of Technology Management and Innovation

Cross-Registration Guide

Students are permitted to take courses at other schools of NYU only after successfully completing 18 credits of their program with CGPA of 3.4 and above and can only cross register for 9 credit hours total.

Please note, that students wishing to cross-register must submit the MOT and IE CROSS-REGISTRATION FORM. If you are requesting courses from multiple departments, you must submit separate requests. Do NOT email submissions as they will not be reviewed. Incomplete or inaccurate forms will not be processed. Once received they will be checked for completeness, accuracy, and eligibility. 

Students have to receive prior approval from the department BEFORE they cross register for any course(s). 

General cross-registration for Spring 2025 will be open from December 2nd  - January 17th Any form that is incomplete or late WILL NOT BE SUBMITTED TO THE RESPECTIVE DEPARTMENT. 

*Pass/Fail classes are NOT eligible for cross-registration for credit to complete degree requirements. It is the student's responsibility to verify that the course they want to register for is eligible for credit.


STERN: Will open at 12pm on Friday, November 22, 2024.

STERN cross-registration full policy and procedure

Link to stern cross-registration form: HERE

List of courses for Non-Stern students: HERE

** Please note that the link to Stern's website can be slow to load. Please be patient or open it in a new browser if you are unable to see courses.

Submit the Stern form to the MOT and IE CROSS-REGISTRATION FORM as instructed.




List of CS courses is available via Albert


Advisor Information: Please make sure the advisor information is accurate-- 

Once your request has been reviewed by CSE, a TMI advisor will contact you with the results.


FRE: opens December 2nd.

FRE cross registration full policy and procedure.


Students must fill out the FRE Cross-Registration Form and then notify their advisors that the form has been submitted.

It is the student's responsibility to consult with their academic advisor if the courses they plan to take satisfy degree requirements in their program, and to obtain approval to enroll in Financial Engineering courses via the FRE cross-registration form.

Advisor Information: Please make sure the advisor information is accurate--


Other Schools/Departments: Fill out the MOT and IE Cross-registration form and then email with the course title, course description and why you are interested in the course. This will then be submitted to the Program Director for review. If approved, it is up to the student to reach out to the desired department to see how their cross registration process works. 

Should you have any further questions regarding cross-registration or course selection, please make an appointment HERE.