Internship/CPT FAQ

TMI Internship FAQs

Q: Why is it important to complete an internship during my program?

A: Internships are a great way to gain valuable work experience with a company during your program, and are the best way to prepare for your career in Technology Management & Innovation! Companies value employees with real-life work experience and this can be a great way to bolster future job applications.

Q: Am I required to complete an internship during my program?

A: Students are not required to complete internships during their program, but it is highly encouraged!

Q: When should I start looking for internships?

A: Generally, it’s a good idea to apply for internships early, as much as six months prior to the desired start date. Summer internships will have deadlines as early as the late Fall. The most common period of time for employers to screen applicants for paid internships will be during the period from January to March.

Q: Will the department place me in an internship, or am I responsible for finding my own?

A: Ultimately, students are responsible for securing their own internships. However, we do have resources available to help students in their internship search (see below).

Q: What resources are available to help me find internship opportunities?

A: NYU provides students with a number of resources to help students find internship opportunities. In addition to leads sent out to students by the department, the Tandon Career Hub and the Wasserman Center are excellent NYU resources for internship opportunities. Please also see the "Internship Opportunities" page on this site.

Q: Why are there two different Internship courses? What is the difference between Internship for MS I and Internship for MS II?

A: The only difference between these two courses is when they are taken. Internship for MS I will be completed first, and then Internship for MS II. There is no difference in the content of the courses, but having two courses allows students to participate in internships for more than one semester. Students will be able to take a maximum of 3 credits (two 1.5 courses) of internships.

Q: Can I take both Internship for MS I and Internship for MS II at the same time?

A: No - these courses must be taken consecutively and cannot be taken at the same time.

Q: When are the Internship courses offered?

A: The internship courses are offered every semester - Fall, Spring, and Summer.

Q: What is CPT?

A: CPT stands for “Curricular Practical Training”. CPT allows F-1 students to complete off-campus employment as part of their academic programs. For detailed information about CPT, please click here.

Q: If I am an international student, do I have to take the internship course in order to work? Do I have to apply for CPT?

A: All international students must file for CPT in order to work in an internship. Additionally, all international students must be registered for an internship course in order to be eligible for CPT.

Q: If I am a domestic student, do I have to take the internship course in order to work? Do I have to apply for CPT?

A: Domestic students are not required to take the internship course in order to work, nor do they need to apply for CPT. However, domestic students who want to receive course credit for their internships must follow the same internship guidelines/procedures as international students.

Q: How soon in my program can I start an internship?

A: Students become eligible for the internship course when they have completed 18 credits and have spent two consecutive semesters (Fall and Spring) in the U.S.

Q: What if I completed my undergraduate degree in the U.S. prior to enrollment in my Master’s Degree program? Can I start my internship sooner in that case?

A: Domestic students and international students who complete their undergraduate degrees in the U.S. immediately prior to enrollment in their Master’s program may be eligible to enroll in the internship courses before they have completed 18 credits of the program. 

However, we recommend that students wait until they have completed 18 credits so that they can be sure about the type of internship they are interested in. 

Q: Is there a GPA requirement in order to take the internship course?

A: Students must be in good academic standing in order to be considered for the internship course. Each student’s GPA will be reviewed and eligibility will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

Q: Can I still take an Internship course if I have already completed 9 credits of Technology Management Tools (MOT Students Only)?

A: Yes - students who have already completed their 9 credits of TMT’s may count the internship courses as electives.

Q: How many hours per week can I work during my internship?

A: Students completing a full-time course load can work for no more than 20 hours per week. Students taking 4.5 credits or less (including the 1.5 credits from the internship course) may work for up to 40 hours per week.

Q: How do I register for the Internship courses?

A: Students will not be able to register for the Internship courses on their own. A permission number for the course(s) will be given to the student upon approval of an offer letter and additional steps.

Q: Do I have to take both Internship courses? 

A: Students are not required to take both internship courses, however, the more work experience a student can gain during their program, the better! 

Q: Do I have to work with the same company for both internship courses?

A: No - students can either work with the same company for two semesters, or with two different companies. It is up to the student!

Q: Does my internship have to be paid? Can I do an unpaid internship?

A: The department will approve unpaid internships on a case by case basis. Please see the Process Information page for instructions on what students seeking an unpaid internship must have in their offer letters from a company.

Q: Can I switch companies once I’ve accepted an internship offer?

A: No - NYU Tandon does not permit graduate students to renege on internship offers, as it is unfair to companies, harms the school’s reputation, and discourages companies from continuing to hire current and future students. Even when at-will laws apply, students may not renege on an internship offer once accepted. Students may turn down an offer if it is not to their satisfaction. However, once an offer has been accepted, students are expected to and required to honor their agreement with that company, even if they should later receive a better offer from a different company. Once an internship has been approved by a student’s department for academic credit, no other internship will be approved for the same student in the same semester. Students must complete their internships; leaving an internship before the end date is prohibited.

Penalties for violating the anti-reneging policy include, but are not limited to: receiving an F for the internship course and not being permitted to do another internship. For international students, this means no further CPT will be approved.

Q: It’s halfway through the semester and I just got a great offer from a company to start working with them as an intern. Can I start working now?

A: No - unfortunately there are deadlines to file for CPT that closely align with start and dates for each semester. Be sure to check the Internship Process Information page to see CPT filing deadlines.

Q: Can I do an internship during winter break?

A: No - internship courses and CPT are not available during winter break/J-Term.

Q: What do we do in the internship course?

A: There is work to be done in the internship course itself in addition to completing work for the internship. Students in the internship course should be prepared to submit writing reflections and presentations about their internships. 

Q: Who should I talk to if I have questions about my visa?

A: For any visa/international student-related questions, please contact the Office of Global Services at Academic Advisors are unable to provide information or guidance regarding student visas.

Q: Is there any funding available to support me in my unpaid internship?

A: The Wasserman Center Internship Grant is available for students pursuing unpaid internships. Please keep in mind that this grant is highly competitive and not guaranteed. For more information on the grant, please click here.

Q: Can I do an internship without taking the internship course(s)?

A: No - International students must file for CPT in order to legally work at an internship (regardless if it is paid or unpaid). CPT will only be approved for students enrolled in an internship course, therefore any international student who wants to do an internship must take the internship course(s). Domestic students, however, can do an internship without registering for the internship course(s) if they’d like to.

Q: Can I do an internship outside of New York?

A: Students can work in an internship outside of New York (out of state) in the following situations:

-The internship is fully remote

-The internship is in-person or hybrid within the tri-state area (New Jersey, Connecticut). However, students are required to attend all in-person course obligations – no remote accommodations will be made.


If a student receives an offer for an out of tri-state internship (in-person or hybrid) during a regular academic term (fall and spring), and the student has no additional credits remaining besides the internship course with any in-person elements, the department will review on a case by case basis. Out of tri-state internships are generally permissible during the summer term as long as the student is not taking any other in-person courses.


If you receive an internship offer with any in-person obligations beyond the tri-state area and you are planning to also enroll in any in-person classes, the internship will most likely be denied. If the department foresees any potential risk of conflicts for fulfilling all in-person academic obligations, it reserves the right to deny the internship.


Please note that none of the aforementioned policies should be interpreted as a blanket approval of any internship offer that is received. Ultimately it is up to the TMI Department to approve or deny any and all internship experiences.