Change of Major

Tandon School of Engineering Change of Major Policy 

After grades are posted for the first term of study, certificate and M.S. students in good academic standing are eligible for major change consideration. No major changes are allowed during the first term of study. Major change requests must also be submitted prior to the end of the add/drop period for the student's penultimate semester. No major changes are allowed during the final semester of study. Approval is required from the student's current department, the department of the new intended major, and the Office of Graduate Academics. Students are only permitted to change majors once. The change of major form can be found here. Please note that this form cannot be used to move up a degree level — for example, from an M.S. to a Ph.D. Ph.D. students may not use this form to change Ph.D. programs. Ph.D. students must submit another admissions application to switch from one Ph.D. program to another. Please see the Bulletin for the official policy.

TMI Change of Major Policy and Procedure