Study Away FAQs

Can I pass/fail a course while I'm studying away?

Yes, Steinhardt students can pass/fail courses while they're studying away. You must submit the pass/fail form to your advisor. The pass/fail deadlines are site-specific so referring to each Global Academic Center calendar is important. Students cannot pass/fail their required language course.

I'm taking an MCC area of study course at my study away site. Which area of study can it count for?

If you take an MCC area of study course while you're studying away, it will count towards an MCC focus course.

Can I fulfill Liberal Arts Core requirements while I study away?

Yes, use the the Steinhardt Study Away Core Equivalency chart to determine how your courses will count towards the Liberal Arts Core.

Who can I contact if I have questions about a waitlist I'm currently on at a Global Site?

Contact the Global Academics team at

How does pre-registration advising work when I'm studying away?

Students who are currently studying away should meet with their current advisor via Zoom for an appointment or attend a group advising session via Zoom in order to be cleared to register.