Advising Options

The New Student Seminar instructor serves as a student's primary advisor throughout his/her career as a Media, Culture, and Communication (MCC) major. Each student's designated advisor is also listed in Albert's Student Center. Advisors act as guides and assist students, but monitoring degree progress and seeking advisement is always the responsibility of the student. The Department offers several types of advising options:

Primary Advisor Meetings

Students may make a zoom appointment with their primary advisor to discuss their program of study or to solve complex registration issues. Primary advising meetings are also appropriate for discussing internship and career goals, study abroad options, and personal issues that may arise. Students wanting to make a primary advisor appointment should use their advisor's individual Google calendars listed below:

Olivia Battinelli Calendar

Courtney Carlucci Calendar (on maternity leave May-October 2024)

Christian Daru Calendar

Ashley Lynch Calendar

Ivan Makar Calendar

Virtual Meetings

When students elect to complete a semester abroad or travel home to countries outside the US, MCC advisors are available to video chat with students through Zoom. It is important for students to remain in contact with the Department and receive quality advising even when traveling internationally.

Email Advisement

Students should use email to pose basic questions that can be answered quickly and concisely. For in-depth questions, students should schedule a primary advisor meeting.