Job Search Best Practices

Use Internal NYU Resources

MCC Seniors and MA students can apply to the Department's Alumni Mentor Program.

Make an appointment with the NYU Wasserman Center for Career Development. Wasserman offers extensive career services and event programming for both undergraduate and graduate students. Explore the on-campus recruitment opportunities for NYU juniors, seniors, and graduate students. Create an NYU Handshake account to register for career events, receive weekly emails full of resources, and to access NYU's job board. Take advantage of Wasserman's subscriptions to services such as Big Interview, which are free for NYU students.

Be sure to join the Department's LinkedIn group because we use this platform to post job openings sent to us by MCC alumni.

Use External Resources

MCC highly recommends the free events and site visits hosted by the Center for Communication, a non-profit organization in New York.

Browse websites such as Mediabistro, NYFA, Publisher's Lunch, Find Spark, Idealist, GetWork, MEO Jobs, LinkedIn for job listings. You can also go directly to the career section on the website of the company where you hope to work. Most companies require that you submit a resume through their online system. But if you have a contact, let them know that you submitted your resume and ask them to endorse your application.

Seek career guidance. There are numerous career sites worth reading such as The Muse, Campus to Career, Balance Careers, Savvy Intern.


If you can find the time in your schedule, take advantage of MCC's internship offerings—more than 200 employers post opportunities to our site. New openings are posted weekly, so check back often and apply to postings promptly. Note this caveat: doing just ANY internship won't help. Look for an internship in the industry you want to work in, and/or one that will teach you the skills needed to launch your career. Interview your employer. Make sure you will benefit from the experience by learning upfront about the job responsibilities you will assume.

Update Your Resume

Customize your resume and cover letter to the specific skill set outlined in the job description. Have an updated, professional resume available as a PDF. Make sure the font is professional and readable. Do not use color paper or a background design.

Network, Network, Network

Be prepared with an elevator pitch. You never know who you might meet and when.

Establish a network of contacts who work in your field of interest. Request informational interviews (in person or by phone) with people who are currently working in the type of jobs you'd like to secure. Prior to speaking with a contact in the field, prepare by doing research about the company and larger industry. Have specific questions ready. Don't be a nuisance, but do keep in touch with your contacts by sending them brief, professional updates via email. Volunteer to plan career panels in your area of interest. This can help establish contacts in the field.

Keep Your Public Information Professional

Make certain that your online activity markets you appropriately. Employers search Google for the profiles of potential employees. Building a positive virtual presence is essential. Manage your privacy settings so you display only the information you are comfortable making public.