Lifting the Registration Hold

If you have a registration hold other than an Advisor hold on your account, you may be prevented from registering. View your holds before your registration window by clicking on "Holds" on the right hand side of the page in your main Student Center window. If you come across registration holds, you should address them ASAP. 

Your registration may be blocked (i.e. administrative “stops” may be put on your record) for any of the following four reasons:

If you are trying to register and an error message pops up, please refer to this page for more information on common error messages

Advisor Clearance for Registration

Each semester, NYU students are not allowed to register until they have been cleared by an advisor. 

Students have two options for obtaining registration clearance each semester: individual and group sessions. Information on when to sign up for these registration clearance sessions will be emailed each semester. Those preparing to go abroad will be invited to attend a special pre-registration meeting to get clearance for registration.

Students should come to their pre-registration advising appointments (individual or group) prepared with a proposed list of courses. Students should update their digital program of study and registration worksheet prior to their advising meeting. 

Remember: it is your responsibility to ensure you are meeting all degree requirements and that you are on track for graduation.  

To meet with your advisor either in person or virtually, schedule a meeting via NYU Connect here.