Student Activities News

Student Activities Project Facilitator, Stephanie Stonex, Receives the Earl Reum Region Award

Ms. Stonex was presented with the Earl Reum award at the virtual 2021 National Conference on Student Activities on December 4. As luck would have it, Dr. Jesus Jara was in our building as Stephanie received her plaque.

While other awards from NAWD are based on services to students, The Earl Reum Award was designed to recognize individuals for their work with adults. Leadership education for students is important, but this award recognizes those who train the trainers of those students. 

Stephanie works to support advisors across the Clark County School District in the field of student leadership. She enthusiastically shares her experience and expertise through presentations to adults. She promotes, facilitates, and creates opportunities for adults to receive information to share with their students that is instrumental in leadership training. Stephanie also promotes student leadership within our state and at the national level.

The Student Activities Office is proud to have Stephanie as part of our team!