Honor Society

National Honor Society (NHS) – The National Honor Society promotes recognition for students who reflect outstanding accomplishments in the areas of scholarship, character, leadership, and service. These characteristics have been associated with membership in the organization since its beginning in 1921. Students are invited to apply to become members in their high school chapter once they have met the criteria outlined in the National Honor Society constitution and local chapter bylaws.  For more information, go to http://www.nhs.us.  The Student Activities Office supports advisors through multiple trainings and hosts a conference for NHS and NJHS chapters in the fall.

National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) – The National Junior Honor Society promotes recognition for middle school students who reflect outstanding accomplishments in the areas of scholarship, character, leadership, service and citizenship. Students are invited to apply to become members in their middle school chapter once they have met the criteria outlined in the National Junior Honor Society constitution and local chapter bylaws.  For more information, go to http://www.njhs.us.  The Student Activities Office supports advisors through multiple trainings and hosts a conference for NHS and NJHS chapters in the fall.


Day of Service 2023

The Honor Society Day of Service was held at Lawrence MS on December 9, 2023. Nearly 250 middle and high school students came together to learn about the needs of children in foster care, engaged in team building activities and made knot blankets for children in foster care. With 98 blankets and 84 handwritten cards created, Honor Society Chapters also donated 658 care products such as body wash, body spray and hair care items for the children of SAFY of Nevada. Thank you to all of the advisors and students who participated!

Day of Service 2022

The Honor Society Day of Service was held at Shadow Ridge HS on January 22, 2022. Over a 100 middle and high school students came together to learn from a local philanthropist and business owner, engaged in team building activities and made monster pillows for children at the Shade Tree. With over 100 pillows created and donated, Honor Society Chapters also donated food, clothing, dog supplies and so much more to The Shade Tree. Thank you to all of the advisors and students who participated!

What's Cool at School?

February 4, 2022


Last week Jeanne Clayton, an English and Leadership teacher at Tarkanian Middle School helped lead dozens of students to beat their own record of making peanut butter & jelly sandwiches for the homeless.

Kids from Tarkanian’s National Junior Honor Society were joined on the project in a giant Zoom call with others from Gunderson Middle school, Frias Elementary, and Desert Oasis High Schools.

The kids put notes of positivity on each of 2,859 sandwich bags. After the marathon of munch-making, there was a convoy to the “Care Complex in the heart of the homeless corridor north of downtown Las Vegas.

Congrats to Ms. Clayton and everyone involved in the sandwich project. Anyone looking for the good news about students in the nation’s 5th largest school district can check out the Facebook hashtag #PositivelyCCSD