Canvas Dashboard Customization

How Do I Customize the Canvas Dashboard?

You can change a few settings on your dashboard to make it easier to manage:

Changing the Nickname and Color

As an instructor, you can also upload an image for your course’s card, which will be visible to you and your students. To do so, go to the Settings menu (and Course Details tab) within the course and choose an image for the course.

The nickname you select for your course(s) will be visible both on the dashboard and within the course.

Read more about Canvas dashboard basics in this Canvas guide.

Read more about personalizing and arranging your Canvas dashboard in this guide.

Favoriting and Rearranging Courses

If your dashboard (in Card View) is looking a little cluttered with your older courses, you have two methods to clean it up:

Once you have favorited at least one course, any new course coming into your Canvas account will automatically be a favorite. Spend a few minutes between each quarter to remove the previous quarter’s courses from your favorites to be sure you always have quick access to your most important courses.

Read more about Viewing your favorite courses in this guide

From the three-dot menu on a course card, you can click on “Move” to see options for moving courses around on your dashboard. You can also just drag and drop courses to reorder them on your Canvas dashboard.