
Doing laundry may seem complicated and difficult, but it is really a great adult task to learn. This may be something that you can learn in stages. First learn to sort clothing prior to washing, then learn how to use the washing machine and which settings are for different types of clothing.

Washing Clothes

  1. Read the tags

  2. Sort the clothes into piles for cold and warm water

  3. Check the pockets

  4. Pre-treat stains

  5. Load the washer

  6. Determine temperature and cycle

  7. Add detergent

Drying Cltohes

  1. Empty the lint tray

  2. check the fabric care labels on clothes

  3. Put in dryer sheet or dryer ball (optional)

  4. Take out garments that you do not want to be placed in the dryer and hang dry them

  5. Load dryer

  6. Set dial and start dryer

Folding Towels

Sorting Socks

Sewing a Button

Folding a Fitted Sheet