Kitchen Routines

Preparing food is something that becomes routine as part of the life of an adult. In order to practice this skill, there are some tasks that can help.

Task 1: Set the Table

There are many ways to set the table. Here is a basic example of a table setting.

Task 2: Do the Dishes

After a meal, volunteer to be the one to clear the dishes and put them in the dishwasher or wash them by hand.

Task 3: Follow a Recipe

To start with a beginner recipe, you can try asking an adult, referencing a cookbook or searching for a video online.

Here's a video of 30 easy recipes that you can try. There are links for each recipe in "info" section of the video.

Click here for more recipes.

Task 4: Grocery Shopping

  1. Make a list of what you need- It is best to organize your list by the sections or aisles of the store such as produce, dairy, and meats

  2. Check to see if you have any coupons for the items on your list

  3. Go to your favorite grocery store

  4. Buy your groceries with cash or card.

  5. Return with receipt and/or change.

Task 5: Call for Delivery

Volunteer to organize a meal delivery for your family:

  1. Find out about delivery options

  2. Get everyone to agree on a restaurant

  3. Get everyone's order details

  4. Check the order for all items

  5. Call in the order to the restaurant

  6. Receive the order and tip your delivery person!

  7. Distribute the proper meals to each person.

You can also use delivery apps such as Door Dash or Uber Eats

Task 6: Prepare your own school lunch

Make your own lunch. Be sure to add a variety of foods, including protein, veggies, grains and even a treat.

Try to pack for the week all in one day.