Data Access, Sharing & Opt-Out

We have described Data Protection in Primary Care on the main PRIDES Website. Click on the button below to find out more.

Supporting GP Sites in Managing Data Access Request

Coming soon...

Understanding Data Sharing in Primary Care

The ICO Data Sharing Information hub provides clear guidance and practical tools for organisations and businesses on how to share data lawfully, while protecting people’s personal information.

Information Comissioner's Office logo

Supporting GP Sites in Managing Data Opt-Out and Research Conversations

The PRIDES website has a dedicated page to support GP Sites and Study Teams with understanding Data Opt-Outs and their implications for Primary Care Research. On this page you will find useful information to help you support GP sites navigate these problems when trying to recruit to NIHR Portfolio studies, including how to add appropriate SNOMED codes to clinical records. The page is currently under construction and will be launched in March 2022.

Data Opt-Out and Primary Care Research Flowchart Coming Soon!

The Primary Care Research And Quality Improvement Learning Community

The National Discussion Forum can be found on the The Primary Care Research And Quality Improvement Learning Community, on NIHR Learn.

Here, you can find educational videos, webpages, and courses relating to data protection, including GDPR, GP Data for Planning & Research (GPDPR), big data, and legal advice on data security.

Using data mapping to inform care decisions: The Bridge

In 2018, Social Care Digital Innovation Programme (SCDIP) funding was granted to support the development of a new intelligence platform, utilising both quantitative data on needs and assets, and qualitative data across different areas and demographics in the region. The Bridge was developed as a result of this funding and can be used to understand and map how current and future care needs overlap with community assets. The economic forecasting and data visualisation capabilities can be used to inform commissioning decisions, strengthen local care provider markets, and inform the development of future strategy.

Click on the button below to find out more about 'The Bridge'.

Primary Care Professionals’ Views on the use of Health Data

Primary care is many people’s first point of contact with health services – and is often seen as the backbone of the healthcare system. To deliver personalised and integrated care, the use of data is instrumental, not only in providing individual care but in enabling planning and research to improve care and patient outcomes.

Click here to read a blog post summarising the findings of new research published by Understanding Patient Data (UPD) and the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) on primary care professionals’ attitudes to the use of patient data. The report can be found in full here, along with a handy checklist for teams planning or implementing a data initiative, to help them assess the factors that will shape how it is received.