Delivering Local PRIDES Services

What do we offer?

The PRIDES Service is delivered by the Clinical Research Network.

We offer:

  • Advice and guidance on navigating common digital challenges in the delivery of studies in primary care settings

  • Health Research Informatics (development, quality assurance testing and sharing) for research delivery

  • Support and guidance on how to use Research Codes in GP Clinical Systems

What do you need help with?

The CRN PRIDES Service is delivered by the Local Clinical Research Networks. Each LCRN has dedicated staff to support the development and sharing of health informatics for primary care studies. They will advise study teams on how to optimise recruitment such as offering feasibility assessments and guidance on using research codes in GP Clinical Systems. They also help study teams navigate common digital challenges such as data protection and governance and costing digital elements of primary care research activity.

Aims of the CRN PRIDES Service

Local CRN PRIDES Service HIs should aim to stay true to the inclusion and exclusion criteria in the study protocol and include as much of the criteria as is feasible in any development.

The following criteria should be considered:

  • Keep GP screening lists to a minimum number of patients to save GP time.

  • Keep the level of screening down to only criteria not easily identified by a Health Informatic.

  • Keep CRN costs down for GP Screening activity.

  • Keep Study Team Costs down for subsequent mailing activity or eligibility phone calls.

Early Contact & Engagement and Feasibility

Early Contact and Engagement is an important part of delivering your Local PRIDES Service. Whether your PRIDES HI Developers are core funded Research Facilitators or sessional GPs, contact with Study Teams should be maintained throughout the HI development process including final checks before sharing. The design process will remain with each study's Lead LCRN, with the caveat that any HI can be adapted for local use if it's felt that coding adaptations would better identify patients in certain geographical areas. This reflects the issues raised concerning coding recommendations varying between Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and to allow for the addition of local general exclusions for issues such as Data Dissent. Where possible, LCRNs may want to consider using HIs for study feasibility.

How does it work?

Health Research Informatics (HIs) development is at the heart of the PRIDES offer. Our HIs are developed by experts in our LCRNs and GP partners. They are then tested, quality assured and shared nationally.

The diagram depicts the PRIDES HI sharing pathway from the Lead LCRN for a study to other LCRNs wanting to roll the study out.

Click here for an accessible text version of the flowchart.

Flowchart explaining the PRIDES process.

Local PRIDES Sharing Platforms

Wales IT Solutions

Scotland IT Solutions

Northern Ireland IT Solutions

Local PRIDES Contacts

LCRN PRIDES Contacts (site linked)