PRIDES Hub Resources

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This section outlines the purpose of the PRIDES Hub, its main aims and functions. Subpages listed in the menu to the left contain more detailed guidance for LCRNs looking to develop or enhance their own local PRIDES offerings


  • What are the aims and objectives of the Hub?

  • Who is involved in delivery of the Hub?

  • How can the Hub help your LCRN to enhance your PRIDES service?

If you want to find out the answers to these questions please watch this presentation!

1. PRIDES Hub - Description for front page (Final 16/11)

About the PRIDES Hub

  • The CRN PRIDES Hub Project aims to further standardise the Health Informatics (HI) development and sharing processes currently undertaken by LCRN staff, GP practices and study teams.

  • The PRIDES Hub will build on the successes of the Pilot Initiative, moving it into a second phase aimed at supporting the integration of the Initiative into CRNCC and LCRN business-as-usual processes as well as complementing other NIHR digital continuous improvement activities (such as the CRN PIC Project and NIHR Find, Recruit and Follow-Up).

The priority areas of Hub activity are to develop:

  • A business-as-usual (BAU) delivery model

  • High profile primary study support

  • LCRN workforce capacity building (workforce development)

  • External and internal communications

  • EC&E activities

  • Research codes and text messaging

  • Stakeholder engagement (e.g. GP system suppliers, NHSX)

  • Network readiness for commercial offers

The Hub will work with the RDMs in each LCRN to identify three groups of people: a) LCRN staff who already have IT skills that could be applied to PRIDES work, b) GPs or GP practice staff who are skilled in this area and are research-active, and c) staff who would be interested in developing those skills in order to support research activity.

These activities would enable them to start delivering work in each of the four work streams described in the Hub Operational Manual, by collaborating with staff in the LCRNs, determining learning and development needs, providing immediate support for LCRNs in which there is a skills gap, facilitating development of training and learning materials and the communication routes needed to make them widely visible and accessible, and providing a central development, quality assurance and test site identification service for the CRN.

Although precise details are yet to be confirmed, it has been pointed out that Industry sponsors could be charged a fee for the service which could subsidise the work carried out for non-commercial studies.

Meet the PRIDES Hub Team!

The PRIDES Hub is being delivered as a joint venture between two LCRNs

LCRN West Midlands

    • Mark Evans - Research Data and Digital Transformation Manager - Find out more here!

    • Sam Hunt - Research Facilitator

    • Lucy Hughes - Study Support Manager & AcoRD Specialist

    • Liam Shirley - ROST Project Support Officer

LCRN South West Peninsula

    • Dr Lisa Gibbons - Clinical Research Specialist Lead for Primary Care - Find out more here!

    • Will Moyle - Practice Manager & Clinical System Champion

    • Alison Potter - Research Delivery Manager

    • Pauline McGlone - Deputy Chief Operating Officer

    • Rosie Miller - PRIDES Administrator