Health informatics tools

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This section has a focus on the different considerations you may have when looking at different Health Informatics (HI) options when considering a match to an individual studies requirementsThe options cover how to support opportunistic recruitment within consultations, through to pre-designed searches to identify potential participants based on the coding in their clinical record.

Health Informatics options

What are the HI options that are available to be developed in GP clinical systems?  what type of recruitment strategy could these tool support?

What types of Health Informatics (HI) options exist?

If you want to find out more please watch this presentation!

13. HI tools (w/ voiceover) (Final 16/11)

Which HI tool suits my study?

Many research studies and clinical trials look to identify patients in Primary Care who may be suitable for the research in question, in differing ways requiring different tools

Different studies have different requirements from the HI tools they utilise

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14. Different HI tools - which suits?

The use of research coding

Research Codes are a great way to evidence patient involvement in studies within their Electronic Health Record (EHR)

What are Research Codes and why should we use them?

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15. Research coding

Further guidance on GP coding  

If you would like further information regarding this section, please contact PRIDES via email:

Coding paper for FrF.docx

Further guidance on the Snomed CT code set  

If you would like further information regarding this section, please contact PRIDES via email:


Health Informatics file management

There are some key considerations when sharing and/or transporting files between sites and systems

Sharing your PRIDES tools locally and beyond

If you would like further information regarding this section, please contact PRIDES via email:

16. HI file management and sharing (Final 16/11)

On-site guidance

An often overlooked area: GP sites, or LCRN staff working in these settings, may require detailed instructions in order to utilise HI tools effectively.  This section looks at would could be included in such guidance

Instructions for the use of HI tools are important to ensure they are utilised as planned

If you would like further information regarding this section, please contact PRIDES via email:

17. On-site HI documentation/guidance (Final 16/11)

Example of GP site guidance: EMIS

Here is an example of EMIS guidance concerning the import and use of a Health Informatics tool

ACE - EMIS Guide - V1.2 - 04.11.2021 (final).pdf

Example of GP site guidance: SystmOne

Here is an example of SystmOne guidance concerning the import and use of a Health Informatics tool

COV-COMPARE (Valneva) - System One Search Guidance - V1.0 - 14.05.2021.pdf

Text messaging

Text messaging is an ever growing method for inviting people to research studies but their are some things to consider when assessing this method of communication

The use of text messaging for research invitations 

If you would like further information regarding this section, please contact PRIDES via email:

Text messaging overview.mp4