NIHR Learn Privacy Notice

Who provides the NIHR Learn platform and what is it for?

The NIHR Learn platform was introduced in July 2015 as a replacement system for the previous “Kallidus” learning management system, in place since May 2006. Built on the well established, open source Moodle learning platform, NIHR Learn is the primary source of free, quality assured learning accessed by over 40,000 learners across the NHS and partner organisations every year.

Content and administration of the the NIHR Learn platform is managed by the Workforce and Learning team within the NIHR Clinical Research Network Coordinating Centre. System Administration and hosting of the platform is managed by PA Consulting, partners in the NIHR Clinical Research Network Consortium explained below. Additional course administration, content management and face to face learning is managed by local administrators across 15 Local Research Networks.

The core platform for NIHR Learn is Moodle. Regular updates are made to ensure this operates as the most up-to-date stable version of the software. In March 2018 the live environment was updated to Moodle 3.4 to enable compliance with GDPR.