Be Part of Research

Description of system

Be Part of Research is a public facing website which contains information to inform and educate the public on the role of research in improving healthcare and provides a feature to allow members of the public to search for clinical trials. The data made available on the Be Part of Research Website allows members of the public to search for clinical trials, and is sourced from two third party registers (i.e. ClinicalTrials.Gov and ISRCTN).

Data governance

The Data Controller for Be Part of Research is Department of Health and Social Care. This system is managed by NIHR CRNCC on behalf of the Data Controller.

The responsible manager within NIHR CRNCC for Be Part of Research is the Director of Stakeholder Engagement and Communications

How NIHR CRNCC manage their data protection obligation

Use of Be Part of Research is governed by these Terms and Conditions which apply to all people who use it.

How an individual's data is used is governed by a Privacy Notice.

Explicit acceptance of data usage is not required for Be Part of Research.

The position within JDR around accessibility is described in its Accessibility Statement.


CRNCC have a current ISO27001 certification, and provision of Be Part of Research falls within the scope of this.

CRNCC review that the above controls are current and effective on at least an annual basis. This includes verification with DHSC as Data Controller.