CRN Finance Tool Key Policies


The CRN Finance Tool enables the collection of relevant financial data from the Local Clinical Research Networks (LCRNs) about how their annual funding allocations are spent and provides a reporting functionality which enables the Finance team to analyse LCRN financial performance.

Key Policies

Use of the CRN Finance Tool is governed by Terms and Conditions which apply to all people who use it. Consent to this is part of the first logon.

How an individual's data is used is governed by a Privacy Notice.

Data governance

The Data Controller for the CRN Finance Tool is Department of Health and Social Care. This system is managed by NIHR CRNCC on behalf of the Data Controller.

The responsible manager within NIHR CRNCC for the CRN Finance Tool is Head of Finance


CRNCC have a current ISO27001 certification, and provision of the Finance Tool falls within the scope of this.

CRNCC review that the above controls are current and effective on at least an annual basis. This includes verification with DHSC as Data Controller.