CPMS Terms and Conditions of Use
Acceptable use: what you are agreeing to do - Life-sciences industry users:
All information and documentation submitted through the CPMS in relation to a request for CRN Services will be held in the strictest confidence at all times and managed under a duty of confidence in line with prevailing data protection legislation
In providing any personal information within the CPMS Submission “Company Contacts” [CPMS System role] should have gained the consent of the named individual(s) and that consent should have included information on how personal information provided will be shared with colleagues across the NIHR CRN as described in the NIHR CRN Model Confidentiality Agreement (see below)
The prevailing NIHR CRN model Confidentiality Disclosure Agreement will be in place before commencing the Industry eligibility and feasibility process
In order to provide support for your study, the NIHR CRN requires up-to-date information on your study and the recruitment activity for your study to be maintained at all times
In accessing CRN support, you agree to maintain your study record, updating the record when any changes to study design, targets, timelines (planned and actual dates) or study contacts occur and to confirm that the recruitment information provided for your study is accurate or provide recruitment information into CPMS on a regular basis (as specified by the CRN)
All information and documentation submitted through the CPMS in relation to a request for CRN Services will be held in the strictest confidence at all times and managed under a duty of confidence in line with prevailing data protection legislation