Observing Animal Artifacts

We began our Animal Adaptations unit which focuses on how animals use their body parts to adapt to their environment. We discussed how animals can have physical and behavioral adaptations. Physical adaptations are when the body of an organism changes to allow the animal to survive in its environment. Some of the physical adaptations we explored were camouflage, size of an animal's ears (tiny ears keep an animal warm and larger ears keep an animal cool), tails for balance, and more. Behavioral adaptations are things an organism does in order to survive in its environment. Some of the behavioral adaptation we explored were migration and hibernation. Ask your kiddo to give some examples of each adaptation :)

We also had the opportunity to observe some animal artifacts and write about each artifact's purpose. We observed Arctic Fox Fur, Hawk Foot, Duck Foot, Porcupine Quills, Turkey Feather, Beaver Fur, and an Eagle Foot.

Some questions students thought about were:

  • Would it protect the animal?
  • Would it help the animal get food?
  • Would it help the animal move?
  • Would it help the animal to hide?
  • Would it help the animal to hunt?
  • Would it help the animal to keep warm or cool?

Audrey, Alice, Jackson, and Luiz are observing porcupine quills.

Vialexa is taking a closer look at the turkey feather.

Joey, Veda, Angella, and Vialexa are drawing and writing about the turkey feather.

Harrison, Harold, Shuntaro, and Mabel are observing the eagle foot.

Harrison, Harold, Shuntaro, and Mabel are drawing and writing about the eagle foot.

Evie and Ryan are observing the duck foot.

Eliana and Micah are observing the beaver fur.

Jackson is carefully working on his scientific drawing of porcupine quills.

Joey, Veda, Angella, and Vialexa are working carefully on their turkey feather observation.

Shuntaro, Mabel, Harrison, and Harold are observing the eagle foot.

Shuntaro is using his sense of touch to observe the beaver fur.

Eliana and Janelle are observing the eagle foot.

Florentine is observing the eagle foot.

Harold is using his sense of touch to observe the turkey feather.

Audrey and Mabel are taking a closer look at the porcupine quills.