CAS Presents Turtle's Wetland Quest

On Tuesday, April 23rd, 1st Graders were treated to a special production of "Turtle's Wetland Quest." Puppeteer, Deborah Costine brought to life the story of Blanding the Turtle and her journey for a new, safe wetland habitat. The little pond where she has lived for 40 years is no longer safe! A road has been built between her pond and the high sandy hill where she goes every Spring to lay her eggs. Blanding knows what happens when a turtle tries to cross a road! On her journey, she meets Castor the Beaver, who is eager to build a dam and create a new pond. This may solve her problem! 1st Graders also met her friend the Blue Spotted Salamander as well as a little boy named Edward and his nature-loving babysitter Rachel. Rachel teaches Edward and the audience how to look closely at nature for signs of animals and their activities.

Ask your child about their favorite character and if Blanding's turtles make it to the pond! You can learn more about Deborah Costine and her productions on her website!

Deborah explains the premise of "Turtle's Wetland Quest."

Blanding the Turtle begins her journey to find a new, safe habitat.

We are introduced to Castor the Beaver who is looking to build a dam.

Blanding meets Castor and learns that Castor is going to build a dam.

Will Castor's dam help solve Blanding's problem? Can Blanding the Turtle create a safe habitat in the new pond?

Edward and his babysitter, Rachel, are looking for signs of animals.

Rachel notices the twigs and branches that Castor has laid out for his dam.

From a tree, Edward watches Castor build his dam.

The dam is finished! Blanding waits for her baby turtles to make the journey to the new pond.

Blanding gives her baby turtles a little nudge into their new home!