Why Not?

The warrior strides, his boots clicking

Outside his dragon bellows, tired of waiting

While her kin take to the sky

His sons look up, the youngest from books

The boy could drown in them

If given the chance

The eldest steals glances at a neighbor girl

Drowning in her from the

Look of him

Behind the warrior, a softer step

His daughter holds out

His gauntlets—"You forgot these"

She smiles as the dragon whines more loudly

"The way she goes on..." A shake of braids

Punctuates her amusement

Of all his children

She understands the difference

Between draconian muttering and

The subtle creak of an "I told you so"

Her gaze at the door to the dragon ledge is longing

Her voice wistful: "It's a beautiful day to fly"

She's correct

"There's spinning to do," his wife says

Her chiding's full of love but also expectations

That knot around his daughter like a noose

He remembers watching the dragons from

The family farm

"There's crops to be tended to," his father would say

But all he wanted was to fly

Soar and skim the ground, hooting

Like his brothers

On the rope swing over the pond

Free, so free

"She can hold two" he says

The dragon can hold the whole family

If it comes to that

But the warrior escapes alone, glad for the refuge

Until now

His oldest looks up, as if he's been invited

His youngest stays caught in words

But his daughter lowers her head and nods

Looking to where the washing waits

He tips her chin up—"I meant you"

His eldest makes a sound of disbelief

"Her?" he says when the sound

Gets him nowhere

Has the warrior raised him

To view women this way?

"Yes, her"

His wife raises an eyebrow and shakes her head

But doesn't argue

Maybe the warrior is fairer than he realized

She pulls their eldest by the ear

"I'll find you something to do"

A moment of derision

Then the realization: she's not joking

The boy's shock is palpable

"Come" the warrior says to his daughter

"But girls don't fly"

It's true but suddenly he doesn't care

"Why not?"

(For my father, 1916-2015)