The Subtle Arts of Chemistry

Dance the benzene ring around,

whirling six times three—

trace Lewis dot sigils in quicksilver,

ionic bond prisons for errant souls.

Mendeleev’s sacred alphabet hides

a multiplicity of gods, one hundred

eighteen abbreviated divinities.

Write their names on your heart

in columns ordered by gravitas.

Beware the so-called noble gases.

Aloof, they cannot be trusted

to aid when you call. Put your faith

in earthly things – carbon, oxygen,

hydrogen and helium, sun and starlight,

knowing you are already liquid

by nature though solid in form,

perhaps to sublimate someday.

Titrate glucol and atropa belladonna

drop by drop into a solution

of artemesia absinthium.

Note the moon and the lady

in your lab notebook,

the subtle changes in the green.

Dream of sailing

natural satellite seas,

a basalt summer cottage

on the shores of Mare Imbrium,

guide your meditations

toward the Technicolor advent

of distant stars, birthed

from the dust-cloud of your regrets.