The Green Bird

Call me Thoth,

though my head is humanoid,

having shed my feathers long ago,

& my heritage is not of ancient Egypt.

My small companion translates

in the langue verte ,

green for his feathers,

a combination of phonics,

the perfect language,

key to perfect knowledge.

We traverse the universe

guided by the one with ancient eyes.

Once, on an off-world

we came close to parting ways.

Legions of imbeciles at war

with a moronic aristocracy,

fighting over mythic gods.

True, they were not human,

those scaly quadrupeds,

but that was neither here

nor there, to me.

Believing it a senseless war,

I prepared to leave the fools

to self-destruct all on their own.

My companion disagreed.

You have not seen

what lies within the shadows.

You cannot hear the truth.

This is their reality:

the one speaks benevolence,

the other cries for freedom;

messages obscured,

convoluted by fear.

My companion spoke to them

in its universal language

of wisdom, love and tolerance

they’d never heard before,

& to them, in time, came peace.

Guided by the one with ancient eyes,

we script symbolic testimonials

to be understood at the end

of the cycles of time.