The Assignation

Based on the story of the same name by Lord Dunsany.

As Fame sang in the highways

he dallied in each lane

to hold the hands and hear the plans

of women cruel and vain.

A poet saw him passing.

She watched with longing eye

as if entranced. Without a glance

Fame passed the poet by.

She forged a crown of silver

that shone and would not fade.

Within a day Fame threw away

the crown the poet made.

She made a crown of diamond.

Fame took it off and then

he danced beneath the worthless wreaths

of vain and vicious men.

She bitterly rebuked him

demanding to know why

he took her crowns and cast them down

and laughed, and passed her by.

Fame smiled and said "I love you.

In ninety years we'll wed

and I have saved a pauper's grave

to be our marriage bed."