The Alchemist Works Feverishly Upon The Death of His Love

Steam clouds the air.

By feel, not sight,

I plunge my hand

Through the right ventricle

To pull the weeds from

Within the crimson beating thing

You left behind for me to tend,

Flesh dangerous with your fuming hatreds,

Your wild, choking love.

A simple recipe:

Draw out the venom

Through the retort;

Boil out the bitterness,

And decant it as condensed poison;

Then use the flame to

Cleanse my corroded hand,

To shake my soul loose

From your grip,

Leaving nothing but you,

Pure rendered essence

To bottle and store.

But my hand has been corrupted by the touch:

It gestures on its own, reformed as silver,

Speaking beyond my jaw-clenched silence,

A moonlike sliver fluttering like a sparrow.

I must steep the softness from

These sculpted, downy feathers

In seething water until

The water boils red, bubbles in fury:

But the traitorous flesh will not melt.

My blemish, rendered now

As quicksilver, steel,

Your memories imprinted in sinew

And realized bone.

Time to start again.

Patience is the steel of science.

I reach inside and pluck my heart free,

Drop the lump of flesh into the vat

Where yours so lately burned,

Pour in the green venom that I distilled,

Most pungent essence of you.

Corrode clean, my heart!

I must transmute this fragile beating thing

To gold, or at least gold-ruby glass--

Scour free my impurities,

All that corruptible flesh,

Seething emotions,

Those faults that rot from within--

Those seeds of death that bloom with age,

All that kept you from me in life.

Apprentices grind me to sand, burn me to ash,

And feed me to the fire,

Then set me on the shelf beside your vial,

Both of us refined to withstand ages--

Rare glass worked fine with flame,

All our faults purified, refined,

Our souls now free to flow

Into smooth, clear forms whose

Beauty within is visible without:

Transparent thought, hollowed clean

Of hearts. Perfection.

Now we can safely observe millennia

In calm and crystal silence.