
you attend your funeral, slipping in among mourners

in the guise of wayward cousin, illegitimate child;

no one questions you. not now. besides,

your resemblance to the deceased is unmistakable.

you feel terribly young. your dignified children

nod vaguely at you, brows furrowed, struggling

to place your face, wondering whose kid you are.

you stand before the coffin in awkward respect

looking at a body you barely recognise

inhuman in death. something inside you flinches

sensing its home, unsettled by the void.

eulogies fade out of meaning. you never knew

the person they speak of. chastising glances

still your fidgeting. you do not belong.

you leave, sneaking past aisles of tears

their unseeing remorse, yearning despair

uncontrollable grieving. it would be rude

to announce your presence.