Susan Pertessis

A quarterly ezine by a community of writers, poets and artists.

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Susan Pertessis was born in New York but relocated to Southern California when she was seven years old. When she isn’t spending time with her husband and two children, she may be found writing for her online writing group, reading speculative fiction, or participating in book group.

Susan Pertessis

Escape, flash fiction, Issue 22, March 1, 2013

Get to know Susan...

Birthdate? October (yes, I’m a Scorpio)

When did you start writing? I started writing in 2007, after an eight year assault on our home from every type of critter living in Southern California. The swarm of bees was comical, the tarantulas creepy, and the scorpions scary. After the mountain lion appeared I decided to document these encounters, in part as a therapeutic measure against approaching insanity, and in part as self preservation (written documentation should our dead bodies be discovered.)

When and what and where did you first get published? My compression fiction statement was published by Matter Press & Journal of Compressed Creative Arts on September 13, 2012.

What themes do you like to write about? I participate in an online writing group and my stories are inspired by the group’s weekly writing prompts, but I notice a dark side often creeps into my tales. “Escape” is an example of that type of fiction. I have also noticed those dark stories receive the majority of favorable comments by readers. I suppose we all have our dark sides.

What books and/or stories have most resonated with you as an author? Why? How do these stories and their characters find expression in your work? In elementary school and middle school I devoured all things science fiction and fantasy. Many of my stories have those elements. I am a member of several book clubs, so I am exposed to a variety of stories and writing styles, but I am always drawn to books with a psychological twist or speculative elements.

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Published By NewMyths.Com - A quarterly ezine by a community of writers, poets and artist. © all rights reserved.

NewMyths.Com is owned and operated by New Myths Publishing and founder, publisher, writer, Scott T. Barnes