Cathy Douglas

A quarterly ezine by a community of writers, poets and artists.

Meet our Contributors

I've been writing short stories and poems for about five years now, as well as some longer fiction and articles. Many of my stories have been published online and/or is anthologies, with several more forthcoming. Recently I've had stories in Penumbra, Quantum Fairy Tales, and Perihelion, and a poem at Star*lines. My website is

Kaltes Cloud-Shaper, Issue 29, December 1, 2014

Cathy Douglas

Quantum Sestina, poetry, Issue 25, December 1, 2013

Get to Know Cathy...

Birthdate? 11/18/1957

When did you start writing? About six years ago.

When and what and where did you first get published? The first poem I ever submitted got published, to my amazement! It was a nonsense poem called “A Memo Went Out,” which got published online by Verse Wisconsin.

What themes do you like to write about? I love imagining how our own world may have more going on than we think. I also like imagining ways that other worlds may be like ours.

What books and/or stories have most resonated with you as an author? Why? How do these stories and their characters find expression in your work? A lot of things I read when I was a kid had a big influence on the way I think, and still influence the way I write. I remember being blown away after reading the Earthsea trilogy, The Last Unicorn, Watership Down, and many others, so that in my head I was still living in those worlds for days. Now it’s the same when I write, only I’m stuck in worlds I make up myself.

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Published By NewMyths.Com - A quarterly ezine by a community of writers, poets and artist. © all rights reserved.

NewMyths.Com is owned and operated by New Myths Publishing and founder, publisher, writer, Scott T. Barnes