Carolyn Crow

A quarterly ezine by a community of writers, poets and artists.

Meet our Contributors

Carolyn CrowGolden Goes Green, Interview with Bruce Golden, Nonfiction, December 1, 2009

Get to know Carolyn...

Birthdate? 10/4/59

When did you start writing? 30 years ago

When and what and where did you first get published? College newspaper editorials.

Why do you write? I need to expess myself.

Why do you write Science Fiction and/or Fantasy? It's full of intriguing possibilities.

Who is your favorite author? David Brin Your favorite story? Kiln People

What are you trying to say with your fiction? It varies.

Do you blog? No

If you could write your own epitaph, what would it say? She tried.

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Published By NewMyths.Com - A quarterly ezine by a community of writers, poets and artist. © all rights reserved.

NewMyths.Com is owned and operated by New Myths Publishing and founder, publisher, writer, Scott T. Barnes