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A quarterly ezine by a community of writers, poets and artists.


Scott T. Barnes

A graduate of Odyssey, the Fantasy Writing Workshop, Scott T. Barnes' short fiction won second place in the Writers of the Future Contest, 2011. He has published short stories in over a dozen magazines and anthologies, including History and Horror, Oh My!, BuzzyMag.com, Reflection’s Edge; Niteblade; Bewildering Stories; The Lamppost Literary Journal; Trail of Indiscretion; and more. He grew up on a farm/cattle ranch in California and has worked in marketing, sales, teaching English as a foreign language in France, and commercial real estate. He holds an MBA from the Claremont Graduate School and a BA in Journalism/Spanish from CSU Fresno. He also attended La Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico and La Sorbonne University in France. He is the editor of NewMyths.com and former Director of the American Christian Fiction Writers-West. More on Scott, including a complete bibliography, can be found at www.scotttbarnes.com.

Email Scott at admin@newmyths.com.

Marta Tanrikulu

Marta Tanrikulu is an editor with a science background and a writer of stories in various genres, most often in comics format. Her stories have appeared in Indie Comics Magazine and Indie Comics Quarterly and in anthologies published by Red Stylo Media, Arcana, GrayHaven, and others. In addition to comics miniseries and anthologies, she especially enjoys editing speculative fiction, mysteries, and historical fiction. Visit her at http://tanmar.biz (editor website) or http://vizyonentertainment.com (writer website).

Candyce Byrne studied music, English and journalism and is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin and Clarion West. After years as a broadcast journalist and anchor, she decamped to medical writing and editing. When that paled, she took up running a theatre and writing plays as well as fantasy and poetry and doing public relations for nonprofits. She has published in Asimov’s and NewMyths.

Susan Shell Winston

Susan Shell Winston lives in a small Texas town, just west of Houston and two stars east of the moon. Trained in Anthropology and in medieval French and English literature, she lived for four years under a Celtic hillfort in the forests of Germany where the Brothers Grimm once walked. As neighbors bought their teas and medicines in local hexestuben (witch’s huts) and carted their morning milk cans into quaint half-timbered towns, her fantasy world on the planet Colonium sprang to life around her. Her novel, Singer of Norgondy, is available at Amazon. A companion pamphlet, CrossJacks!, describing the cutthroat betting game her characters play, is also available. A member of the first Odyssey Workshop for Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Writers, and chosen by her class to lead its first TNEO workshop for returning grads, Susan is now busy preparing her other novels in the Colonium series for publication, and, oh yes, collecting and reproducing medieval and Renaissance puppet plays. For more about her fantasy world, visit www.holdenstone.com.

Candyce Byrne (Book Review Editor)

Assistant Editor

Patricia Jackson

Recent Guest Editors

Deborah Cher

Jenise Aminoff

Jenise Aminoff's superpower is cooking with small children. She is an MIT alumna, graduate of the 1995 Clarion Workshop and Odyssey Online, and an active member of SCBWI. Her first novel, A Witch's Kitchen was published under the pen name Dianna Sanchez in September 2016. Her short fiction appears in the anthologies Mojo: Conjure Stories and the 2017 Young Explorers' Adventure Guide (also as Dianna Sanchez). A Latina geek originally from New Mexico, she now lives in the Boston area with her husband and two daughters.

Born in London, raised in Montreal and currently living in New York City, Deborah Cher is a writer and editor by day, and a creator of cinematic electro-rock by other parts of the Earth’s rotation cycle. Her poetry has been published in the Queen’s Quarterly and she is currently working on a speculative fiction series of novels. Deborah holds a BA in English Literature from Montreal, and an MA in Middle East Studies from Israel, where she lived and worked for a few years. This experience has had a significant impact on her writing and world-building. Her appreciation of science fiction began many moons ago, in conjunction with her love of exotic cuisine and martial arts movies. She took an Odyssey class in 2014.

Feel free to Tweet Deborah @DebzMic or email her at debzmic@gmail.com

Paul Schilling

Paul graduated from Grinnell College with a BA in History, graduated from the Odyssey Writers’ Workshop in 1999, spent five years in the Portland, Oregon, poetry scene, and then nine years teaching English as a second language (ESL) in China, more than half that time teaching composition and debate at Nanjing University.

Book Reviews

Adam Armstrong

Adam Armstrong is a professional writer and more recently fell into being a world traveler as well. His fiction has appeared in such markets as Lost Souls, Tales From The Moonlit Path, Shorty-Story Me, Allegory, Liquid Imagination, NiteBlade, and Sci Phi Journal. He has had thousands of non-fiction articles published in such magazines as Withersin, Blood Rose, Buzzy Mag, Perihelion Science Fiction, The Dollar Stretcher, Innsmouth Free Press, and of course New Myths. Adam lives with his wife, Melissa, and their son, Dylan, in Northern Kentucky. When not there he finds himself in some strange location in a remote part of the world where the Internet doesn’t seem to have a firm grip yet.

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Published By NewMyths.Com - A quarterly ezine by a community of writers, poets and artist. © all rights reserved.

NewMyths.Com is owned and operated by New Myths Publishing and founder, publisher, writer, Scott T. Barnes