Hall Staff

michael Davis


Ramblers! It's a joy to return to my former home of Siegfried Hall to serve as your rector. I call New Lenox, IL, a southwest suburb of Chicago, my home. I studied IT Management and Theology during my undergrad years at ND before working in higher ed technology consulting in Chicago for two years before transitioning to and recently graduating from ND's ACE Teaching Fellows program, through which I taught and coached at Holy Cross High School in Louisville, KY. In my free time, I enjoy exercising, reading, playing Catan, and keeping up with ND sports. I look forward to meeting you all soon - never hesitate to reach out if I can help in any way!

Joe krisko

Assistant Rector

Hi all! My name is Joe Krisko and I am a third-year law student originally from Manteno, Illinois. Although, I went to Butler University for undergrad so I have been in Indiana for awhile and am essentially an honorary Hoosier at this point. Outside of school, I enjoy all things college basketball, NBA, and Notre Dame Football related. I also really enjoy getting to know new people so please feel free to say hi in the halls of Siegfried or come by my room anytime if you ever need anything! 

Spencer ebenger

Assistant Rector

Hi! My name is Spencer Ebenger, and I will be completing a Masters of Science in Finance at Mendoza this year. I graduated from Vanderbilt University this past May, so I'm glad to continue attending a school with a big sports atmosphere. Originating from Fort Myers, Florida, I am fascinated by the sight of snow (hopefully South Bend takes it easy this year). In my free time, I enjoy shooting hoops, playing Madden/2k/Mario Kart, working out, and watching/reading any form of comedy/satire. I am very much looking forward to getting to know all of you, so feel free to stop by my room anytime! 

dane sherman

Resident Assistant - 2A

Howdy y’all, my name is Dane Sherman originally hailing from Seattle, WA and I’m majoring in American Studies and Peace Studies, minoring in Gender Studies. I’m a Seahawks, Mariners, Sounders, and am anti Oklahoma City Thunder. I have previously worked at the Sant’Egidio Foundation for Peace and Dialogue, Religions for Peace, Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, and Rainier Avenue Radio. On campus, I’m a research assistant for Meghan Sullivan (philosophy), do advocacy with Student Government, write for the Observer, and other random activities. As a person of faith, I believe religion and government at their best are about enshrining and protecting every individual’s dignity, something I’m devoted to holding those institutions to with my career. My biggest inspiration is the messy, loving, and compassionate saint-like folks that they so often find their life colliding with - ramblers, family, friends, and complete strangers. 

Will deschamp

Resident Assistant - 2B

Hey everyone! I'm Will Deschamp and I'm very excited to be the 2B RA this year. I am from Overland Park, KS (KC area) and I'm majoring in ACMS with a minor in Data Science. On campus, I've been involved in service trips to the South Bend Center for the Homeless, interhall tackle football (RIP), and the ND Data Club. In my free time, I enjoy lifting weights, golf, reading, and ping pong. Always feel free to stop by room 237 and I can't wait to get to know you all better!

andrew mcguinness

Resident Assistant - 3A

Hello! I'm Andrew, a senior from Haddonfield, New Jersey. At Notre Dame, I'm the Sports Editor for our student newspaper The Observer and broadcast games for Fighting Irish Media and our student radio network, WVFI. I'm majoring in Film, Television & Theatre with minors in Sport, Media and Culture, Digital Marketing and Business Economics. I'm also a huge Philadelphia sports fan. 

christian martin

Resident Assistant - 3B

What's up, Ramblers! My name is Christian Martin, I am an International Economics major with a Spanish concentration and I have minors in Digital Marketing and Computing & Digital Technologies. Outside of the classroom I love playing sports, video games, board games, and any other kind of game that exists. I'm from Vancouver, Washington, (Go Mariners/Seahawks/Blazers/Timbers) I studied abroad in Santiago de Chile, I love learning new things, and I am involved in the Fighting Irish Racing Formula SAE Club. If you ever want to talk about anything at all or get beat in Super Smash Bros, come on by. Ramble on, Ramble together! 

raj chilukuri

Resident Assistant - 4A

Hey guys! My name is Raj Chilukuri, and I am from Evansville, Indiana. I'm a physics and philosophy major and am involved in undergraduate research and tutoring on campus. In my free time, I love to play boardgames, spikeball, basketball, soccer, ping pong, and rock climb. I have loved my time in Siegfried and am excited to get to know all of you soon! Feel free to stop by my room if you ever want to talk or play a game! 

geo tabet

Resident Assistant - 4B

Hi everyone! I'm Geo & I'm super excited to serve as a Siggy RA this year! I'm originally from Lebanon, and Siegfried has been my home ever since I moved here. On the weekdays, I'm a Business Analytics major, and on the weekends, I love to cat nap on the quad, paint, and watch movies with the section. Can't wait to meet everyone! 

Drew Clary, csc

Priest in Residence

Greetings Ramblers! I am pumped to join you as your in-residence priest! I'm originally from Texas, graduated from ND, and taught with the ACE Teaching Fellows. I've been serving as a teacher at St. Adalbert School here in South Bend for the past three years (and in the parish as a priest since my ordination in April, 2022). My new job in the Office of Vocations has brought me back to campus this summer. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with friends, reading about history, listening to podcasts, baking, and trying to serve the Lord more faithfully. Don't hesitate to swing by 400 Siegfried any time for any reason (or for no reason at all)! You are each in my prayers now and will remain so throughout the year.