Move-in at Siegfried Hall

Most first-year students will be moving in on Friday, August 18th (a few will be moving in early for International Student Orientation, Band, etc.). Unless you are pre-approved, you are not able to move in early. You will be receiving communications from Residential Life to sign up for a move-in time.

On move-in day (August 18th) members of the St. Andre Committee (current Siegfried sophomores and juniors) will come to your car and help you unload your stuff. (They can also help you loft or bunk your bed, although if your roommate(s) have not arrived yet, it may be best to wait until they arrive before making any room set-up decisions).

Follow the signs to the dining room. There you’ll fill out a couple of forms (please bring your health insurance information!) and get your room key and ID card.

Head upstairs to your room and meet your RA! He is in charge of your section and will be a great resource for everything and anything. He should be around when you arrive to answer any questions.

Once you unload your stuff (and meet your roommate) you can head out to town or to the Fall Mall in the Stepan Center to buy whatever items you may still need for your room if any.

Check the signs in the main lobby for more information about Welcome Weekend events. You can also find a Welcome Weekend schedule at this link