Seeking answers

Do you have any questions or problem connected with your study or the Faculty, and are looking for an answer or a solution? Before you ask anyone, try the following resources:

If you do not find the answer you seek, contact the person in charge who will help you out (see Who to See for Which Issue). If you do not know who to approach, contact the tutors (see chapter Who to See for Which Issue) who will give you advice, show you the way.

In addition, there are both official ( and unofficial ( Facebook groups for the Faculty of Science, Charles University, which bring together the Faculty’s students, graduates, and teachers. Along the same lines, most individual programmes/fields/years of study have their own pages/groups, as does the Student Chamber of the Academic Senate (

Older university colleagues are obviously a welcome source of information. However, you should exercise increased caution (!) and, just in case, double-check the information with official resources (Department of Student Affairs, guarantors, study advisors and senators). It is likely that some things (such as study regulations) may have changed somewhat since these older colleagues last experienced them.

Prevention of sexual harassment and other undesirable behaviour

The Faculty of Science of Charles University places great emphasis on prevention and a safe environment for all. It does not accept any form of sexual and gender-based harassment or violence and expects all individuals in the university community, visitors and contractors to treat each other with mutual respect, consideration and dignity.

If you are unsure whether you have been the subject of sexual harassment, you may contact the Ombudsperson RNDr. Tereza Petrusková, Ph.D..,, or our counselling service (, or independent experts (more at These services are also available to those against whom harassment charges have been brought. If you are being harassed by a member of staff, you can make a complaint to the Ethics Committee ( For more information and contacts, please visit Prevention of sexual harassment — Přírodovědecká fakulta UK ( 

Official list of frequently asked questions: