Foreign Languages

Learning English at FSc CU is organised as lifelong education (LLE). This learning is not compulsory or accredited. Only English is taught in this form. The courses are paid for partly by the Faculty and partly by students (Czech only). Students can also take paid courses in preparation for certified exams and other courses.

English courses as part of LLE are organised for groups of 8–12 students. Presence lessons are held twice a week, and each lesson consists of two classes (2 × 45 minutes). The course content is adapted to the specific needs of FSc CU students. The lessons are taught at the Albertov campus.

Admission to the programme is subject to taking a placement test  at the beginning of the academic year.; based on the result, the student will be offered a course at an appropriate level of language skill. The placement test can only be taken online using Moodle and is free of charge for students.

For each stage of study (bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral), there is a recommended “trajectory” for gradually improving one’s language skills, which involves the lowest financial contribution from the student. The prices of courses (Czech only) for the current academic year are available on the Faculty website along with other instructions and the full wording of the rules for teaching English.

As with other subjects, it is also possible to learn languages at different CU faculties. For example, language courses provided by the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics are in demand. However, this can be a problem, as this means it is less likely you will be able to successfully register for the subject. These courses are free of charge.

Full wording of the rules for teaching English under the LLE programme: (Czech only)