The Natick Nest

Welcome to the Nest!

The Natick Nest is Natick High School's official student-run newspaper. You can access articles from our all-new May issue below, check out our "Columns" page for more specific content, or scroll through our "Archives" pages to find stories from as far back as 2017!


Finally, Good News

Eon Stern

Believe it or not, there are some good things that are happening in our country. For example, while it might seem crazy, one is that a nuclear power plant is opening in Michigan. A new nuclear power plant isn’t the only addition, new hydroelectric storage facilities and sanctuaries are arriving as well . . . KEEP READING


The live action Avatar: The Last Airbender will never be the cartoon—and it doesn’t need to be

Nathan Moldover, Editor-In-Chief, and Lili Temper, Media & Communications Manager

Before watching, our expectations for this show were definitely bogged down by the 2010 disgrace of an adaptation. Luckily, our doubts were assuaged when everyone pronounced the main character’s name correctly . . . KEEP READING


Recapping The Met Gala: A Garden of Suits

Hannah Mevorach, Business Manager

On May 6, 2024, stars graced the Metropolitan Museum with their presence as they attended one of the fashion world’s most prestigious events: the Met Gala. This year’s theme was “Garden of Time,” a theme which I expected would mean a plethora of flowers on the red carpet (this year’s carpet was actually off white and green, reflecting . . . KEEP READING


Reads, Reviews, and Recommendations: 2023-2024

Lili Temper, Media & Communications Manager

Though a reader at heart, I have not had the time to crack open many books this year thanks to my suddenly overwhelming workload. It’s only because of AP Lang, my newfound commitment to book club, a few late nights, and sheer stubbornness that I’ve managed to read anything at all. To help my fellow readers make the . . . KEEP READING


Why Has Boston Calling Been Terrible?

Marina Eigenmann

For many of us, Memorial Weekend means many things: a short respite from school or work, a trip to Cape Ann or Cape Cod (or wherever you choose to go), or for the music lovers and those with cash lying around, Boston Calling weekend. The past couple of years—minus the ones that the pandemic has canceled—however, have been . . . KEEP READING


Reviewing the APUSH AMSCO Textbook

Bela Kumar

Natick’s official APUSH website defines the class as “the hardest class you will ever love,” and the quote for me would be true on all accounts if I did not take AP Physics my freshman year (I think the most difficult part of APUSH is actually remembering my homework, but that’s a different story). AP US History, also known as APUSH . . . KEEP READING

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