

Issue 1: September - October

Hard Fought Boys’ JV Soccer Season

By Jack Shuster

As the boys’ Junior Varsity season comes to a close, the team has a lot to look back on and be proud of. The team's first win came on September 5th in their season opener at Milton. The final score was 12-0. Proceeding that game, the team had three straight hard fought games losing to Needham, Walpole and Newton North but refused to give up. Then came the match against Framingham.

Natick and Framingham are longtime rivals. The two teams were scheduled to square up at Framingham High School early in the season. Natick came out like a racehorse. Grady Boudreau scored a goal in the first 20 minutes assisted by Jack Shuster. About 15 minutes after that, Dan Hartman took a rip from the 18 yard box and it found the back of the net assisted by Shuster as well. Natick had a 2-0 lead going into halftime.

The 2nd half started out with Natick dominating time of possession. Then, Framingham made a huge push. There was about a 6 minute spurt where Framingham was averaging 3 shots on goal per minute. Sam Katzman came up huge stopping every shot during Framingham’s onslaught. About 10 minutes later Framingham scored on a deflection right in front of the 6 yard box. Not too long after that Framingham scored another goal from about 15 yards out. It was a missile of a shot. The game ended in a 2-2 tie. 

Grady Boudreau and Dan Hartman were outstanding goal scorers for the Redhawks in front of a strong defense led by Rob Langan, Pat McQuillen and Jason Chase. Toni Precci and Kaeden Berry created chances in the mid-field for the 5 up top to score as many goals as possible. The team's coach Ivor Ford used specific tactics and strategy to help ball movement and add opportunities for his team to succeed. 

With a team record of 5-3-6 and 4 games left to play, one including a rematch against Framingham on Tuesday, September 24th, there is still a lot to look forward to towards the end of the boys’ Junior Varsity soccer season.

9 Situations That Would be Trouble for The CFP Selection Committee

Max Weisman

1: Notre Dame winning out

Because only 4 teams make the playoffs, 1 conference is always left out of the Playoff. If Notre Dame wins out they would have wins over USC, NC State, who were ranked 11th and 14th respectively at the time of the win and Miami and Stanford, who are currently ranked 9th and 18th respectively and a win over then-unranked Michigan State, who is currently ranked 24th. Their only loss would be to Georgia, who is now ranked 2nd. From this information, I don’t see a case for leaving Notre Dame out of the playoff. However, if the selection committee selected Notre Dame, this would leave out another conference, so the playoff would include 3 Power 5 Conferences and Notre Dame. Notre Dame is an Independent, which means they do not belong to a conference. This means they can schedule tougher games to beef up their resume wins, but it also means that they can never win a Conference championship, which the committee has stated they value a lot. 

If Notre Dame wins out, the Conferences I see being left out are the PAC-12 and the BIG 12. I see these Conferences being left out because A; their preseason frontrunners have already lost, some more than once. In the PAC-12, USC lost to Washington State and Notre Dame. Washington State was destroyed by Cal 37-3 and Washington lost to Arizona State 13-7. In the BIG 12, TCU just lost to Iowa State, who has two losses on the year. Oklahoma was upset by Iowa State, (despite being a 31 point favorite) and Oklahoma State lost to TCU. 

2: Iowa State winning out (plus the Championship game) and TCU doesn’t lose again, while the PAC-12 Conference Champion has one loss

Let's pretend Notre Dame loses a few games. This would mean that only 1 conference is left out of the Playoff. Iowa State has 2 losses on the year, a heartbreaker to Iowa and a 10 point loss to Texas. However, they beat Oklahoma (then ranked number 3) in Norman 38-31, shocking the world, and just this weekend beat TCU (then ranked number 4)14-7. They have one remaining game against a Top 25 team, vs. number 11 Oklahoma State. The BIG 12 has brought back their Championship game this year, which gives the Committee an extra win to look at. If Iowa State wins out, they will be in the BIG 12 Championship Game. A two-loss team has never been in the College Football Playoff in its three year existence, and just last year, BIG 10 Champion Penn State, who had two losses, was left out of the Playoff for 1-loss Ohio State, because they had better wins. If TCU doesn’t lose again and Iowa State doesn’t lose, this sets up a BIG 12 Championship Game between TCU and Iowa State. Let’s say Iowa State wins. This would give each team two losses, and Iowa State the BIG 12 crown. Remember, Notre Dame has lost twice, and the PAC-12 Champion has 1 loss. In this situation, the committee would have to choose between a two-loss, better resume, Iowa State, or a 1-loss, worse resume, PAC-12 Champ. 

3: NC State wins out (plus the ACC Championship)

NC State just lost to Notre Dame this weekend to give them their second loss. But if they win out, they would find themselves in the ACC Championship. If they win that game they would have wins over Florida State, Louisville, and Clemson, ranked 12, 17, and 7 respectively (at the time of the game). They would have a bad loss to South Carolina, and a loss to now-ranked 5 Notre Dame, plus another win over a good team from the ACC Coastal Division, most likely Miami. This would put the Committee at a tough decision whether or not to include a two-loss NC State team with good wins, but a bad loss early in the season. 

4: USC wins out and wins the PAC-12 Championship

USC has one good win; over Stanford (who was ranked 14 at the time). They have no bad losses, but losses to Washington State (who was ranked 16 at the time) and Notre Dame (who was ranked 13 at the time). They have one remaining game against a Top 25 team when they play number 23 Arizona next week. Besides Arizona their remaining games include; at Colorado, and vs. UCLA. If they win out, which is extremely possible, their final record would be 10-2 and they would have secured a berth in the PAC-12 Championship. That gives them an opportunity to get another win, most likely over Washington or Washington State (and maybe even Stanford, if they sneak in). If they win that, their resume would be 2-2 vs. Top-25 teams, no bad losses, and losses to Notre Dame (ranked 14 at the time) and Washington State (ranked 16 at the time). This would give the committee a hard decision of whether to leave USC out or the BIG 12 Champion, which could also have multiple losses. 

5: Auburn wins out and wins the SEC Championship

If Auburn wins out then they would have lost to Clemson (ranked number 3 at the time) and LSU while having wins over Mississippi State (ranked 24 at the time), now-ranked 2 Georgia, and the big one, now-ranked 1 Alabama. If Auburn beats Alabama and doesn’t lose to an SEC team, then Auburn would get the nod for the SEC Championship game, because they would own the tiebreaker over Alabama. If Auburn wins the SEC Championship Game, then the committee would either have to leave out yet another 2-loss team and arguably the best overall Conference in College Football out of the College Football Playoff, or put Auburn in, who would have a bad loss to LSU, a loss to Clemson, and 4 wins over the Top 25 (including the SEC Champ Game). 

6: LSU wins out and wins the SEC Championship

If LSU wins out they would have two bad losses. First, a 37-7 loss to Mississippi State, and second, a 24-21 loss to Troy, the worst loss a Power 5 contender has. However, they would have wins over Florida (ranked 21 at the time), Auburn (ranked 10 at the time) and, as we saw with Auburn, a win over now-ranked 1 Alabama. Like for Auburn, that’s huge, because that gives LSU the tiebreaker in the form of the head to head victory. This would send LSU to the SEC Championship, and if they were to win, that would give them another win over the Top 25. Like with Auburn, the committee would either leave yet another 2-loss team and arguably the best Conference in College Football out of the College Football Playoff, or put LSU in. 

7: Stanford winning out and winning the PAC-12 Championship

If Stanford were to win out, they would have losses against USC (ranked 6 at the time) and against San Diego State. But, if they win out they would have wins over Utah, Washington State, Washington, and Notre Dame, ranked then 20, now 25, now 12, and now 5 respectively. This would put them in the PAC-12 Championship where they would most likely get a win over another Top-25 team. Their playoff contention would come down to the committee, to see if they favor Conference champions.

8: Arizona winning out and winning the PAC-12 Championship

If Arizona were to win out they would have losses against Houston, and Utah (ranked 23 at the time). They would have good wins over Washington State (ranked 15 at the time) and now-ranked 17 USC. However, this means they would make the PAC-12 Championship, and if they win that, they would get another win over a Top-25 team. Again, their playoff contention would come down to the committee, to see if they favor Conference Champions.

9: All Power 5 Champions have two losses and the AAC Champion goes undefeated

This is a surprisingly possible situation that would give the committee a huge headache. Let’s see how we can get here. In the ACC, we come back to NC State. If they lose to Notre Dame, they would have two losses, but if they don’t lose to an ACC team they would make the ACC Championship, and if they win, that’s our first Power 5 Champ with 2 losses. In the BIG 12, if Iowa State or West Virginia win out, they will make the BIG 12 Championship, and if they win, we have another Champ with 2 losses. In the BIG 10, if Ohio State beats Penn State, that would give them the tiebreaker, and they could clinch the BIG 10 East the week before the final week. If they lose to Michigan the final week, it wouldn’t impact them in making the BIG 10 Championship, but they would have two losses. If they win, that’s our 3rd Champ with 2 losses. In the PAC-12, if Stanford, USC or Arizona wins the Championship that’s a 4th team with two losses. And if Arizona State wins out and wins the Championship, we have a Power 5 Champion with 3 losses. The SEC would be the hardest conference for this to happen. Auburn is our only hope for this. If they win out they would own the tiebreaker over Alabama for the SEC West, and if they win the SEC Championship, they would have two losses to Clemson and LSU. There’s our 5th Power 5 Champion, with 2 losses. UCF is the only undefeated Group of 5 team. If they win out they will make the AAC Championship and if they win, they may have a chance of making the Playoff.

Queer, There, and Everywhere Presentation at Natick High School

By Tia Perkins


Although the idea of being queer is a relatively modern one, queer history actually began way back at the beginning of human history. Queer used to be used as a derogatory term, but now is used to define both sexual and gender minorities who don’t fit into the ‘norm’. Murals of half female and half male people have been found on cave walls, and queer history has been evolving ever since.

A couple weeks ago, author Sarah Prager came to speak at the Natick High school about her book Queer, There, and Everywhere: 23 People Who Changed the World. The motives behind her book are to educate youth on queer history, as it doesn’t fall under the range of topics covered in school history curriculum.

Queer history, or “Quistory,” as Prager calls it, is a very important topic to her. Aside from writing a book, she made an application called Quist. This app shows events in queer history that happened on that given day. 

Aside from describing her app, Prager also read passages from her book at the event, explaining their importance to queer history. She also asked the audience about famous queer people they had heard of.

Just one of the many pieces of information that Prager shared started with an interesting question: What do high fives and the computer have in common?

It turns out that high fives and the computer were both invented by queer people. Glenn Burke, the first openly gay Major League Baseball player, invented the high five in 1977. Alan Turing laid the foundation for computers in 1936, and died while still working on these developments due to cyanide poisoning.

A couple years prior to Turing’s death, he was accused of homosexuality and given chemicals in an attempt to “cure” him. His experience is just one of the many examples of the hardships in queer history that Prager describes in her book.

Though many improvements are being made to promote queer equality, queer history is still lacking in social studies curricula. With the help of people like Sarah Prager, citizens can become more aware of growing topics, such as queer history.

Need Advice?

Tia Perkins

As the 2017-2018 school year begins, there’s likely many questions you have about school, activities, social life, or something completely different! It can be scary to ask someone for advice, so you can turn here for the answers to all your questions.

Click the following link to ask a question anonymously, and stay tuned for next month’s article for your advice!


When the Going Gets Tough, Turn to the Experts

Alexa Solomon

A Fresh Start

As September is quickly and surely coming to a close, Natick High settles into another year of learning and adventure. To many students, this is both an exciting and stressful time of year, as they yet again learn to take on the responsibilities of a successful pupil while letting go of the comfort of summer vacation. The hallways seem as busy as ever, maybe even busier as everyone enjoys catching up. 

For the incoming freshman class of 2021, high school is both an exhilarating and intimidating change. As the upperclassman know, it’s nothing to be ashamed of if you get lost in the halls for the first month or two, forget where your CDS classroom is, or make other rookie mistakes. 

I decided to ask a friend of mine, now a senior, what her most embarrassing freshman experience was. She blushed and replied: “Walking into the wrong class!” I tried to hold back laughter, but I was sure that sometime during this year my friends may do the same. 

On the other hand, the senior class of 2018 must be experiencing the start of the school year in a drastically different way. I’m sure that many seniors are eager to escape Natick High, and others are sad to say goodbye. Regardless, senior year is looked at by many as the most stressful of the four years spent at high school. Between college tours, finalizing college apps, essay work, and more, seniors often end up overwhelmed and exhausted. 

Sophomores, you’ve been there and done that! Although you’re now familiar with the way the high school works, keep the importance of balance in the back of your head. Expand your horizons! Extracurriculars, sports, fundraisers, and other events are great ways to meet new peers and broaden your friend groups; something that will come in handy as college slowly approaches.

For you Juniors, the race to prepare for college and you senior year are on! Begin to think which test will be better for you: SAT, ACT, or both? Organize, organize, organize. List colleges that you want to visit, design a timeline for the year ahead, and make sure to speak with your guidance counselor if you have any questions or inquiries. Familiarize yourself with the common application, and stay calm!

Any Advice?

Every student should feel safe, welcomed, and able to handle their school work. To combat this back to school anxiety, I decided to interview some teachers and ask them their thoughts and advice on returning to academics. Even though the advice provided is directed towards freshman and seniors, they are beneficial for any grade!

Interviewee #1: Librarian

Interviewee #2: 9th Grade English Teacher

Interviewee #3: Guidance Counselor

Q: What advice do you have for incoming freshman at Natick High?

Interviewee #1: Do your homework and seek help if you need it! Also - read as many books as you can - it increases your vocabulary and is a great way to relax!

Interviewee #2: Find a balance between school and friends, ask your teachers for help, and be nice to others.

Interviewee #3: The advice I would like to provide freshman is to find a balance! While academics are important, finding a sport/ club or activity that brings enjoyment, or even excitement is equally significant and hopefully rewarding. Don't be bashful about asking for help, or seeing a teacher after school, and building a relationship. High School can be an opportunity to reinvent yourself, and make changes that reverberate through the next four years!

Q: What is one thing that you wished you knew as a high school freshman? 

Interviewee #1: I wish I joined a club.

Interviewee #2: How important it was to do my homework

Interviewee #3: I was often embarrassed to ask a question, until I realized other students had the same question, but were waiting for someone to ask it!

Q: What advice do you have for seniors this year at Natick High?

Interviewee #1: Make new friends - outside your current group, this will help you navigate college.

Interviewee #2: Enjoy every moment, and don't forget to do your schoolwork once you've been accepted to college. 

Interviewee #3: Balance. Enjoy the year, and try not to be swayed by peer pressure and other students' plans or goals. More than ever each senior student has their own future plans, and sometimes it's hard to separate and remain focused on your personal plan!

Q: Is there anything you wished that you knew as a senior? 

Interviewee #2: How much my future student loans would cost me.

Interviewee #3: How quickly time passes and to enjoy every minute of it!

Q: What is your one major goal for this school year? 

Interviewee #1: To read a book from every bookshelf in here!

Interviewee #2: To get more done throughout the day and bring home less grading.

Interviewee #3: To practice what I preach - incorporate some work-life balance of my own!

Q: What’s your guidance to all the students having a hard time balancing school work and extra curriculums?

Interviewee #1:Turn off social media.

Interviewee #2: Use as much time as you can throughout the day (CDS, study) to get your schoolwork done, and don't be afraid to stay after with your teachers.

Interviewee #3: It is okay to say 'no', and not take on anything new. And it's imperative to seek help when you need it.

And if you prefer your advice short and sweet, I asked teachers for one word that students should keep in mind during the year.






Good Luck!

To conclude, it’s completely normal to feel stressed out and weighed down by the start of the school year. Everyone, despite what grade, age, or classes, will feel similarly, but all will change as you begin to find your ‘groove.’ I hope that Natick’s staff provided you with valuable tips! It is important to remember not to be afraid to ask for help with anything! If you’re dealing with something that you may need extra help with, don’t be scared to contact your guidance counselor, either. 

I hope everyone has a positive start to school;

Remember to stay safe, open minded, and enjoy yourself!

Procrastination Nation

An Introduction to Goal Setting

Alexa Solomon

Are you a procrastinator? It’s okay, many students including myself are. Completing your work on time and to the best of your ability sometimes seems so far out of reach whether you are filling out work for college, going to practice for sports, or perhaps finishing up your shift at work. 

Procrastination becomes more and more of a major issue as technology becomes more integrated into school work. With a laptop in front you, it's beyond easy to check your email, send a text, or surf the web. These distractions take away from valuable work time. How will you complete your work in a way that’s easy for you?

Fear no more! It’s time to familiarize yourself with the faithful strategy of goal setting. You may not even know it, but this process has and is being used everywhere from companies designing a new building, to teachers grading your homework, and even scientists experimenting. Why is this so effective, you may ask? Let’s take a look. 

According to the article Setting Goals: Who, Why, How?, “setting goals drive people through their learning and desired accomplishments.” Author Turkay continues to say that “goal setting costs little or nothing, and can aid successful results in our lives, both in academic and non­academic settings.” There are many cases in which goal setting can benefit high school students and shape them to be the successful, persevering young adults they are capable of becoming.

Let’s define what a goal is before we go any further. The dictionary defines a goal as the object of a person's ambition or effort; an aim or desired result. Therefore, goal setting is “the process of establishing an outcome (a goal) to serve as the aim of one's actions.” Goal setting is beneficial for two major reasons: it increases motivation and achievement, two valuable traits that will help everyone throughout life.

Teaching students how to set and reach their own goals may be just the step we need to creating a community of eager and proactive learners. The article reiterated this by stating  “Specifically, when students set their own goals, they take responsibility and ownership of their learning goals. Such goal­ directed behavior that results from goal setting is empowering and proactive.”

Not only is this method beneficial for already self-motivated students, the article goes into detail about the positive effects of goal setting with “low achievement” pupils. In a series of studies that had fellow classmates solve anagrams, students with low motivation enhanced their performance level by almost 30%. 

Goal setting has been known as “virtually every major theory of work motivation,” for decades and is useful for far more than acing your math test. So the next time that you’re struggling getting a job, improving your performance in sports, or even practicing your drawing skills, think how the simple and effective process of goal setting can help you get there in an easy and orderly way!

A Brief Guide to the Process of Setting and Reaching a Goal

Step 1: Envision

It’s important to visualize what your goal or endpoint is before you even begin to approach it. What will you need in order to achieve this? Are you ready to take this on? Being upfront and prepared is what will help to make this process easier and more organized.

Step 2: Break it Down

After you have figured out your goal, begin to break it down into multiple steps. This will make it look much less intimidating and more achievable.

Step 3: Put it Down

How will you achieve it if you don’t see it? Put reminders down everywhere; on your laptop, on your mirror, and everywhere else that will you remind you not to procrastinate.

Step 4: Focus

Now that you’re well on your way, keep yourself in this successful mindset. What are small steps you can take everyday to help you get closer to your endpoint? Tiny things like turning off the TV to concentrate or eating a snack before working may boost your performance.

Step 5: Review

Everyday look back on the progress that you’ve made. Even if the grand finale seems impossibly far away, reminiscing on your work so far keeps your mind sharp. Believe in yourself, and any goal is achievable. 

Article Cited: Turkay, S. (2014). Setting Goals: Who, Why, How?. Manuscript.

Issue 2: November - December 

Who Will Be Boston’s Next Star?

Jack Shuster

2017 holds an MLB record for the year where the most home runs were hit by all 30 teams. There were a total of 5,694. 

The Boston Red Sox finished with the 27th most home runs with a weak 168 home runs. The Houston Astros and the LA Dodgers made it to the World Series and the teams combined for an impressive 459 home runs, (Astros 238 Dodgers 221). The team that hit the most home runs in 2017 was the Yankees who lost to the Astros in the ALDS before they went onto win the World Series. Teams with high home production are much more likely to have a successful season than teams with low home run production.

For the majority of the 2017 season, the top three spots in the Red Sox batting order were filled by Xander Bogaerts, Mookie Betts, and Dustin Pedroia. These three stars combined for a mere 41 home runs which is 9 less than New York's Aaron Judge hit alone, (50). Although the Red Sox finished with a record of 93-69, they have much to improve on if they want to have a successful 2018 season. The Red Sox hit 208 home runs in 2016 but they had a very important component that they did not have in 2017, David Ortiz. Before his retirement, Big Papi had 38 home runs in 2016 which was 18.26% of the team's 208 home runs. The Red Sox hit 20 more home runs in 2016 then 2017 simply because they had more home run hitters. 

The 2017 offseason is a very important time for the Red Sox because there is an opportunity to acquire new talent to improve their offense. The Red Sox might have interest in Chicago’s Jose Abreu. Abreu hit 33 home runs in 2017, which is 9 more than Mookie Betts, who led the Red Sox with 24 home runs. In the past when the Red Sox traded the White Sox for Chris Sale they had to give up a lot of their young prospects. Signing free agent J.D. Martinez would be a smart decision for the Red Sox because they would not have to give up any young prospects, just a lot of money. Last season Martinez had 45 home runs for the Arizona Diamondbacks. 

Three players on the Red Sox that underperformed in 2016 were Xander Bogaerts, Mookie Betts, and Jackie Bradley Jr. All three players hit more home runs in 2016 than they did in 2017. Bogaerts hit 21 in 2016 and 10 in 2017. Betts hit 31 in 2016 and 24 in 2017. Bradley hit 26 in 2016 and 17 in 2017. A total of 27 more home runs in 2016. Also, the Red Sox will have Rafael Devers for a whole season in 2018. Devers only played 28 games in 2017 instead of around 162 because he was in the minors. 

If the Red Sox want to be a team in contention for the World Series next year, they will have to add some weapons to their repertoire in the 2017 offseason.

A Breath of Air for Natick

Alexa Solomon

Ever since Calliope Paperie opened in Natick Center in mid-2016, Natick has been gifted with a breath of fresh air. Those who tour Main street in the gleaming daylight appreciate the brightly colored and positive light that Calliope shines on them. It seems almost as if the owner, Kristina Burkey, has captured a bit of the sun and holds it hostage. But it wasn’t always like this. 

On a normal Sunday on March 19th of this year, an uncontrolled car smashed through Calliope's front window, shattering and destroying her chic and polished display. No one was in the store or hurt at the time, but this sparked a roar of support from the Natick community. People from all over the town came together to help clean up the shop. A “GoFundMe” was created and surpassed its fundraising goal by over $3,000 dollars. People Ms.Burkey didn’t even know were there to help her every step of the way.

Small businesses are the sticky glue that bring towns together. They help to create a supportive community in which people come together to support others.

Every November, right after Thanksgiving, there is an event known as Small Business Saturday. During one of the busiest weekends of the year, people are encouraged to go out and support small businesses around the area. Although I wasn’t in Natick for this year’s SBS, I still thought about the little breath of fresh air on Main Street.

I decided to interview Ms.Burkey and talk to her about her business. Ever since I was little I enjoyed creating hand-made cards for holidays and my friend’s birthdays, so I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to get to know an artist and business owner.

Q: Please briefly describe your business in 1-3 sentences.

A: Calliope Paperie is a stationary shop specializing in greeting cards, notebooks, and other fun desk accessories made by small businesses and local makers.

Q: Why are you in this type of business/how did you discover this type of business?

A: I am in the stationery business because I believe connection is the most important thing we have as human beings. Whether it's joining a friend in joy or grief, it's the connection a card provides that I believe is essential.

Q: What is your education background?

A: I have a Bachelor's degree in Communication Arts.

Q: How long have you been in this business?

A: Since 2008 when I started by making cards.

Q: How did you get the background skills necessary to run this type of business?

A: I guess you could say I am "self-taught" in business. I worked at a retail store for a couple years and picked up more about business than I thought while I was there and picked up a little more being in an office. By the time I was ready to open my store, I realized I had gained a lot of knowledge from working all these other jobs and at other places.

Q: How does the social, economic, and technological environment of Natick affect your business?

A: Natick has a lot of young families and that's who comes through my door most often. Most of what I have requires a sense of humor to really enjoy and I find the residents of Natick in that age group possess that. That's a generalization; I've had people in their 70's laugh and laugh at my sassy cards and people in their 30's be unimpressed, but the general population of Natick has been very receptive to my style.

Q: Who are your competitors?

A: I don't really have any. The closest thing would be The Paper Source but we are just not the same store so I don't consider them to be competition at all. Stationery stores, without much in the way of gift things, are very rare around here.

Q: How do you advertise your business?

A: Social media only. I use Instagram and Facebook the most. I also have an email newsletter which people sign up for here in the store.

Q: What are the most stressful parts of your job? The most rewarding?

A: Buying is my favorite part of owning Calliope but it can also be stressful. I worry "Am I buying the right things? Am I buying ENOUGH things?" I'm still learning all of that balance. 

I love when people come back and tell me how much a card bought from Calliope was just LOVED by the recipient or was a much-needed laugh. It's that connection that was forged by a card I had in the store I'm always hoping for.

Q: Who are your customers? Why do they choose you over competitors?

A: Everyone is my customer! People come to me for my unique card selection, and fun collection of stationery and office supplies that I work really hard to curate.

Q: What does being a business owner mean to you?

A: It's hard but very satisfying. When you work for someone else there will (hopefully) always be a paycheck, there's health insurance, there's always someone else to complain to about what might be going wrong but when you have your own business, that's YOU. And it's all on you whether or not there's a paycheck. Every day it's another small victory to be able to unlock the door and open. And there is the sense of pride, too, that Calliope is something I BUILT. When someone asks, "Is this your store?" I get to say "It is!" and when they say "I LOVE it!!" that's mine to keep.

Q: What is the future of your business?

I have two main goals for Calliope: to make the Natick store bigger with more workspace and to open a second location somewhere in Boston. After that, who knows!

A: Do you have any advice for young adults trying to start or manage their own business?

If you think you want to open a shop, go work in one. If you want to open a cafe, go work in one. If you want to open a restaurant you have to go work in one. Working FOR a business like the one you want to start is absolutely essential. You will learn so much. 

Starting a business is a lot of work and it is not overnight. A lot of people make it look easy but they have worked for where they are. I have wanted a stationery store almost my whole life and it took me 8 years since I started making cards to finally get to the point where I thought "I THINK I can quit my job and do this..." and at the end of the day it will ALWAYS be a risk. You never KNOW. 

Thanks to Ms.Burkey, I got an amazing insight into the mind and life of a small business owner. Next time you’re in downtown Natick, give Calliope a visit and help to support your local small businesses!

Get Excited, its NatickTHON!

By Nova Robbins


You may have heard about NatickTHON which recently happened on November 18th. If you have not heard of this event continuing reading to find out about this amazing group of people who set out to make a difference!  

Who Made NatickTHON happen

This is the first year that Natick has done NatickTHON. The fundraising was led by the Natick High School teacher Ms.Rich, with the support of 26 members. The club for planning NatickTHON spent at least once a week or every other week at the beginning of the year after school. As NatickTHON got closer students then met almost every other day after school. The amount of time that these students took out of their days to come and plan this event is amazing. It shows real commitment to go and fight to raise money for something that is much bigger than you. 

About - What is NatickTHON?

NatickTHON was a fundraiser set up to raise money for Boston's Children’s Hospital (BCH). At the event, there were sports, games, dancing, and food. The event lasted for 6 hours. Even though there's always time to donate to the charity! NatickTHON is only a small part of a bigger fundraiser called Dance Marathon. “This movement benefits Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, a non-profit organization that raises funds and awareness for more than 170 pediatric hospitals across North America. This is the only children’s charity committed to having 100% of the funds raised stay local to support kids in the Natick and its surrounding communities. Since its inception, Miracle Network Dance Marathon has raised more than $200 million for kids across North America- ensuring that no child or family fights pediatric illness or injury alone”(Ms.Rich and the members of NatickTHON). 

The Inspiration for NatickTHON

“Our inspiration to start NatickTHON came from Ms. Rich, a Freshman Global teacher here at Natick High. She introduced the idea of creating a dance marathon, last year since she had participated in the UCONN dance marathon in college. With her enthusiasm and drive we have created the first NatickTHON and hope for it to grow each year eventually becoming the largest High School Dance Marathon in Massachusetts. As students at NHS, our own inspiration comes from the idea that all the money we raise will go towards the making Boston Children's Hospital a better place for the kids. We have many students at NHS who have a special relationship with BCH and this is a great way for us to come together and support each other, and the Natick community”(Kendall Brumley the External Director).  

The Inside Scoop on NHS’s Food Drive

By Tia Perkins

Chances are, you’ve heard about the food drive at Natick High School. This event acquired an incredible total of 9,330 items of food. However, few people know just how great of an impact this made on the community in and around Natick.

Students brought in as much food as they were able and willing, with three classes bringing over 1,000 items total. Classrooms competed to win a party by bringing in the most food. This was not only a fun challenge, but an impactful one.

The student council, who put together this food drive, chose to donate the food to A Place To Turn. A Place To Turn is a food pantry in Natick that supplies people in need with a selection of foods to choose from, much like the layout of a grocery store. 

The donation A Place To Turn received from Natick High School was the largest donation they have received from a single food drive. This donation won’t just help families in Natick, but 375,000 households across the entirety of Metrowest Massachusetts.

In the past 10 years, the number of families in Massachusetts struggling with food insecurity has seen a 70% increase. This creates a serious issue and, though Natick High School has done an amazing job accumulating food for those in need, there is still more to be done. 

So, as a part of the Natick community, continue helping neighbors. With the help of Natick High School, many more people were able to enjoy Thanksgiving with food on their plate. Together, we can ensure these people have food on their plate year round. Food donations can be brought to A Place To Turn at 99 Hartford St, Natick, MA or a donation can be made online at www.aplacetoturn-natick.org. With everyone’s help, we can decrease the number of families facing food insecurities in Massachusetts.

Natick High School collected 9,330 items of food to help families in need at A Place To Turn in Natick.

Issue 3: January - February 

The Creation of the NFL

Nova Robbins  


The sport of football was played as early as the 1800s, but in 1892 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania professional football was created. This happened when the Yale football star William Heffelfinger was paid $500 to play in a single game for the Allegheny Athletic Association on November 12th. This small action had a much bigger effect than anyone could have imagined. For the next three decades, pro football struggled along, played primarily in small towns throughout western Pennsylvania and the Midwest. 

Birth of the National Leagues

The NFL was created first in the 1920s. The league did better than anyone had imagined. During an NFL championship game between the Baltimore Colts and the Giants in 1958, they had 45 million views. After that game, the league was established as a source of entertainment and had everyone wanting to buy a team. But instead of accepting the new owners the NFL rudely turned away a lot of the businessmen.

The bad treatment from the NFL led by Lamar Hunt a wealthy oil tycoon had an idea. He decided to recruit seven businessmen from cities that needed their own professional football teams. That league was called the AFL(American Football League).

After the AFL and the NFL were started they spent many years fighting over players. The leagues had an unspoken agreement that one league would not sign another team's player. This agreement was broken when a team from both leagues signed Pete Gogolak. This disagreement about who would get Gogolak ended in the discussion of a merger. After the merger, a new NFL was created and under the NFL were the AFC and NFC.


The NFC started out as the winning league and beat the AFC in the next two Super Bowls. This information may be surprising because in today's league the AFC has more of the better teams. This is true because in the last four out of five years an AFC team has won the super bowl. 

The NFL Today

Today the NFL has expanded and has a total of 32 teams in the league. The NFC and the AFC are now split with each having four sections. The NFC and AFC each have a West, East, South, and North. 


“AFC vs NFC.” AFC vs NFC - Difference and Comparison | Diffen, www.diffen.com/difference/American_Football_Conference_vs_National_Football_Conference

“NFL and AFL Announce Merger.” History.com, A&E Television Networks, www.history.com/this-day-in-history/nfl-and-afl-announce-merger.

Super Bowl 52 Historic Records 

Jack Shuster

The Super Bowl has evolved into much more than a game for football fans all around the world. 

It’s a time where families gather to enjoy each other's company, eat unhealthy foods and root hard for the team they love. Going into Super Bowl 52 the New England Patriots were favored by a slight 4.5 points over the Philadelphia Eagles. which by the end of Sunday night had some bettors in Vegas wishing they had changed their selections. There are very few people who could have predicted that Nick Foles, a third round draft pick out of Arizona State would lead his team to a Super Bowl victory over one of greatest quarterbacks of all time (not to mention be named the MVP of one of the biggest games in sports”. Rob Gronkowski, who got cleared to play in the Super Bowl just three days before the game almost helped the Patriots plow through Philadelphia's defense, which was not up to par against Brady in Super Bowl 52. Gronk caught 9 of 15 balls thrown to him for 116 yards and two touchdowns. It’s safe to say that Gronk was feeling better during the game. Another storyline of the game was that Malcolm Butler, an undrafted cornerback out of Western Alabama did not play one defensive snap the whole game for the Patriots. He only was in the games on special teams. While there have been reports that Butler missed team curfew and participated in ridiculous activities before the game, Butler has denied all of the accusations by posting a statement on Instagram. Bill Belichick, the Patriots head coach said that Butler not playing a defensive snap was strictly a decision he made that he thought would give his team the best chance to be successful. 

There were exactly 17 new NFL records set in Super Bowl 52. Tom Brady set an astonishing 6 of those 17 records. One of the more impressive records that Brady set on Sunday night was most passing yards thrown in one Super Bowl. The previous record, held by Brady with 476 in 2017’s Super Bowl win over the Atlanta Falcons in Houston, Texas, was broken by Tom Brady himself on Sunday night with 505 passing yards. Tom Brady’s other 5 records set consisted of most career Super Bowl completions (235), most career Super bowl passing yards (2576), most career Super Bowl touchdown passes (18), most career super bowl games (8) and most career Super Bowl passes (357). While the Patriots punted 0 times the whole game, it’s hard to imagine how they did not score enough points to win the game. Part of the problem was that they got absolutely no pressure on Nick Foles. Nick Foles was sacked a Super Bowl record 0 times which is part of the reason why the Eagles managed to put up 41 points on the Patriots’ sloppy defense. Patriots offensive coordinator Josh McDaniels was about to sign for the head coaching job of the Indianapolis Colts but on Tuesday, February 6th, he opted out at the last second. Bill Belichick has announced that he will be coaching the Patriots in 2018. Another record that was broken during the Super Bowl was most combined yards by both teams. The Eagles and the Patriots combined for 1,151 yards. Both teams didn’t play a lot of defense. 

Tom Brady has set up a clock in his personal weightroom counting down the time until 2018’s Super Bowl.

Greta Gerwig's Lady Bird  Is a Ode to Individualism 

John Donovan

The five-time Oscar-nominated “Lady Bird” is an aesthetically pleasing coming-of-age film from debut director and writer Greta Gerwig. The film set in Sacramento, California is centered around 18-year-old Christine McPherson, who has bestowed the name Lady Bird upon herself. The movie follows Lady Bird as she embarks on her senior year at a Catholic high school and navigates the typical issues that are depicted in coming of age films whether it be struggling to find one’s true interests, friends, and overall identity. Gerwig does an excellent job approaching these issues in a way that makes even the most cliché topics and scenes come across as truly genuine and distinct to the overarching narrative. Within the first minutes, it became immediately clear to me that the screenplay was based on real events. Even though the screenplay was written and based on Greta Gerwig’s high school experience, it really allowed for the actors Saoirse Ronan (Lady Bird) and Timothee Chalamet (who plays Kyle, Lady Bird’s boyfriend) to make the characters their own. Rather than an exposition, climax, and ending format, “Lady Bird” acts as a visual diary, displaying various events within a year that are equally hilarious as they are devastating. 

        The film explores Lady Bird’s family dynamic with her admirable yet flawed father (Tracy Letts) and contrarian-withholding mother, Marion (Laurie Metcalf), as well as Lady Bird’s dating life with her conspiracy theorist boyfriend, Kyle (Timothee Chalamet) and secretly gay lover, Danny (Lucas Hedges). These aspects of her life serve as areas to explore and deepen the film’s more original themes surrounding adulthood and forming a healthy level of self-esteem. All sides of Lady Bird’s life in the film play a huge role in forming the Lady Bird we see at the end as a college student and advance the plot significantly, with one exception. The very groundbreaking characters and the plot seem to fall apart completely while exploring the protagonist's social life.

Initially, the audience is to assume that as a new girl and a narcissistic person in general, Lady Bird is content with her sole friend Julie (Beanie Feldstein). But within a matter of seconds in the middle of the movie Gerwig pulls a 180 degree turn with that entire plot line we witness the typically independent Lady Bird now striving for popularity and aiming to befriend the cruel and rich Jenna Walton (Odeya Rush) in whatever way possible, even if it means defacing a nun’s car. Not only is this part entirely non-essential, it actually takes away from the other dynamics addressed in the film and prevents the development of secondary characters such as Larry, Danny, and Kyle. Granted this may have been an active choice to solely focus on Lady Bird’s inner-most conflicts and emotions there is NO excuse for how ridiculously overused the storyline is; protagonist dumps a true friend for a popular yet superficial classmate to gain clout. Despite the fact that this conflict is only a minor part of the movie it certainly takes away from the overall nature of the otherwise innovative and captivating facets within “Lady Bird”. 

 Upon watching the film for the first time I gave no attention to the cinematography and overall composition of the shots. Only while rewatching I really began to appreciate the framing and unique color grading. This came as no surprise seeing as the film was produced by the legendary company A24 Films who is responsible for “Moonlight”, “Ex Machina”, “The Disaster Artist”, and “The Florida Project”. All things considered, “Lady Bird” had to remain absent from any flashy editing and filming in order to achieve its main objective; tell a compelling story, which it most certainly did.

The Summer Quest

Alexa Solomon

Have you started thinking about how you want to spend your summer yet? Perhaps getting a job, spending time at summer camp, going on vacation, or more? I’m sure that many of you have not even begun to think about the big break, yet it is quickly approaching. Summer vacation is one of the best times for you to express yourself, find a hobby, and expand your knowledge. One of the best ways to do so is to apply for educational programs and internships. Although these may seem daunting, and many of you see summer as your break from school, these programs are much more than sitting, learning, and writing. In this article, I will go over a couple of unique (and free) programs that may fit your interest. 


Are you interested in engineering, research, and drug development? Then the Biogen summer program may be just your forte! Biogen is a biotechnology company based in Cambridge, Massachusetts that specializes in the development, research, and therapy of “neurodegenerative, hematologic, and autoimmune diseases to patients worldwide.” Their summer program is open to high school students grades 9-12 and focuses on hands-on lab activities, meeting scientists, and getting involved. According to their website, you will learn how to complete techniques such as “bacterial transformation, site-directed mutagenesis, protein extraction, affinity purification and PAGE.” Sounds like a blast to me. 

COST: Free

DATE: Cambridge sessions are July 9 - 13, July 16 - 20, August 6 - 10, & August 13 - 17

TIME: 9AM to 4PM, only to 1 PM on Fridays

APPLICATION DATE: Opens February 26th at 9AM, closes March 12th at midnight

FOCUS: Biotechnology engineering, drug development, laboratory skills

OTHER DETAILS: Lunch is provided daily, must at least have completed 9th grade by the summer 

LEARN MORE: https://www.biogen.com/en_us/global-impact/summer-programs.html


The New England Aquarium summer internship program continues to be a highly competitive program that hundreds of students apply to annually. For students with a love of the ocean and marine biology, the NEAQ Summer Teen Internship program may be a perfect fit! After undergoing one week of training, students will take on 1 of 5 jobs and learn how to be responsible, persevering, and independent. In addition, students may have the ability to interact one-on-one with sea animals!

COST: Paid for Boston residents, free for non Boston residents 

DATE: July 2nd - August 17th 

TIME: 20-25 hours of weekly work 

APPLICATION DATE: Opens mid February

FOCUS: Extensive Marine Biology training, behind the scenes work 

OTHER DETAILS: Learn valuable life skills, visit other New England destinations, one week of training 

LEARN MORE: http://www.neaq.org/get-involved/internship-programs/teen-internships/

Museum of Science Clubhouse

The Museum of Science “At the Clubhouse,” program runs annually during July and  August in Boston. They offer more than half a dozen programs for high school students, depending on what students are interested in. Some of these programs include graphic design, music production, 3D design, programming, and more. Throughout all of these, students have the opportunity to interact with museum visitors, children, animals, technology, and more.  

COST: Free 

DATE: July 11th - September 1

TIME: Tuesday-Saturday, 1-5PM

APPLICATION DATE: Fill out a membership form online or during arrival  

FOCUS: Technology, design, STEM 

OTHER DETAILS: Program since 1993!

LEARN MORE: http://clubhousebeat.org/

Junior Achievement Summer Academy

The JA programs are open to high school students who are interested in financial, entrepreneurial, and literary skills. Students who are interested in money management, finance, and more should apply! JA programs are known worldwide and are extremely well developed. Students will develop valuable life skills and get a better understanding of topics of their choice 

COST: Free 

DATE: August 15th-19th 

TIME: 9AM - 2:30 PM

APPLICATION DATE: Program-specific 

FOCUS: Finance, entrepreneurship, literacy

OTHER DETAILS: Dozens of programs

LEARN MORE: https://www.juniorachievement.org

The time to apply for programs is now! Most programs review applications beginning in January and ending in March, so what are you waiting for? Apply now and have the best summer of your life!

Issue 4: March - April 

NCAA Misunderstanding 

Jack Shuster

The NCAA, a college sports group that millions of people around the world follow,is often overlooked as a corrupt organization that conducts illegal behavior

There are so many arguments that could be made about college sports. One of them being that college athletes with scholarships should be paid. If a student has received a scholarship, they are already getting paid by the university. The payment is just indirect as opposed to direct. Most full ride scholarships cover housing, bedding, education and food. All things that a regular student would have to pay for. 

There are negative and positive attributes to having a scholarship. The scholarship money is one of the positive attributes and the anxiety and stress are the negative attributes. Some students admit they are too scared to stand out against the NCAA because they are afraid if their coach finds about the mini protest, they will take away their scholarship. They are also scared that their coaches will tell NFL scouts to not even bother looking at them. Another negative is the health effects that come with a scholarship. A large percentage of scholarships are given to kids that come from a lower income neighborhood/ area. This means that they do not have enough money to buy food for themselves. College athletes will start to run out of money because they are not allowed to get money from an outside source besides their parents. Athletes lack of food sometimes leads to anxiety or stress because they worry so much about if they will have enough food.

Full scholarship athletes should not be considered amateurs because they are playing for their colleges. They are risking their bodies to play the sport they do. The average scholarship is around $23,850, while the student ends up having to pay around another $3,500 per year for personal necessities. Hundreds of thousands of people pay to see these college athletes perform and the athletes aren't receiving any revenue. That is not amateurism, that is employment. These student athletes are employees. If there are no more student athletes, there is no more March Madness, Bowl games, college playoffs and conference tournaments. Most athletes go through tough labor to make money for their schools and they are getting paid absolutely nothing for it. Once they receive that scholarship money, they get paid.

In earlier college scandals, coaches would recruit kids and instruct them to take easy classes so they could focus more on their sports. These easy classes were called “paper classes”. The students would not even have attend. All they would have to do was write a single paper and submit it by the end of the semester. Some coaches would go as far as providing the professors who offered the classes with team merchandise, game tickets and cash. The student athletes that took these classes would end up graduating with a degree that is close to worthless. Instead of worrying 100% about sports, coaches should be more focused on making sure their athletes are getting a solid education.

College athletes should not be considered amateurs because they are getting paid indirectly and are working to make money for their college.

Logic’s Bobby Tarantino II Review

Rising rap star Bobby “Logic” Hall II releases his seventh mixtape

Alexa Solomon

Rate: ★★★ 3 Stars

After the worldwide success of his third studio album, “Everyone” the 28 year old trap/rap artist known as Logic, or Bobby Tarantino, released his seventh mixtape of his career titled “Bobby Tarantino II,” on March 9, 2018. Since its release, it has received countless positive feedback from famous musicians and artists worldwide. 

The mixtape features 12 songs with a 2 minute skit entrance. This skit highlights the voices of characters from the popular Adult Swim television show Rick and Morty, one of Logic’s favorite television shows. The rapper was even featured on episode 4 of season 3 of the show. 

If you’re not familiar with the difference between a mixtape and an album, the definition continues to shift. Mixtapes are typically between 45 minutes and an hour long, featuring originals and covers occasionally with guest lyrics. Artists tend to step outside of their comfort zones while creating mixtapes. As for albums, the Daily Dot describes them as “Albums are investments, often designed to produce hit singles, move the charts, and generate cash flow,” (Hubby 1). 

The songs appear on the mixtape as follows:

Logic’s collabs with multiple popular rap artists are part of what gave this mixtape popularity. As for the songs themselves, they seem to lack originality. Fans of all ages enjoy Logic’s music for his passionate beats and inspirational lyrics. Although some of the songs that this mixtape features will get the listener to bop their head, the lyrics seem to be missing meaning. “Overnight,” is simply about making money and false assumptions that Logic’s ‘haters’ make about him. It lacks depth and lyrics repeat themselves, a trend that comes up more than I’d like to see in this mixtape. 

The collabs on this tape are clearly what make it popular. I am a big fan of the song “State of Emergency” featuring 2 Chainz, mostly because of its catchy beat and rhythmic bars. When it comes to the lyrics, it’s just another song about making money.

As for the cover art, details are everything. Logic is seen in the back of a car being driven by his wife, Jess Andrea. Both of his pet corgis sit in the backseat, keeping him company. His clothing is a combination of outfit pieces from previous albums and mixtapes. In the passenger seat, his famous rubix cube and “FLEX” hat are visible. The cover art may be one of the best things about this tape. 

Logic’s previous works, including his second studio album “Under Pressure,” contain meaningful lyrics teaching important lessons and stories about his life struggles. “Bobby Tarantino II” just does not seem to echo the same amount of soul and effort as his previous works. If you pay less attention to the lyrics, and enjoy the background beats and rhythm, maybe you will have a better time indulging into this mixtape. 

‘Atlanta’ Season 2; Where Comedy Meets Surrealism

John Donovan

   Most shows and films nowadays can survive with just one appreciable aspect, whether it be the soundtrack in Zach Braff’s directorial debut in “Garden State”, the setting in Aziz Ansari’s “Master of None”, or the dialogue in David Fincher’s “The Social Network”. By the same token, Donald Glover’s show “Atlanta” on FX was able to make it through its first season purely by Glover’s spotless reputation in the film industry, comedy scene, and music business. Initially, many went into season one with the notion that the show would be somewhat of a witty-comedy with occasional political commentary, but what Glover actually released was entirely unexpected. The first season tackled various philosophical concepts (Fate vs. Free Will, what makes up one’s identity) with traces of dark humor in addition to addressing the issues of race in America. 

The series’ surreal and sci-fi like depiction of events is seen again and again throughout the first season and creates an unsettling feeling that manages to linger in scenes both dark or comedic. While Donald Glover, known for his performance in the hit sitcom “Community” and his music artist alter-ego “Childish Gambino”, can carry a show for ten episodes, I had my doubts for the second season. Fortunately, the second season completely defied my expectations and almost entirely revised the cinematography in addition to altering the weakest parts of the plot. 

   In the opening shots of the second season the viewer can see clearly that Earn is in the same storage facility where he went to sleep at the end of the first season, and almost immediately is woken up, greeted back to reality. This focus on the concept of Reality drives most of the film composition and motifs in the first few episodes; Earn has to face the reality of his relationship with his long-time girlfriend Van, Alfred (goes by the name of “Paper Boi”) comes to learn that people’s public personas in the rap industry are merely fronts masking often insidious traits, and even Darius, who serves as a prophet-like character in the first season, begins to question how much you can trust one person. Although these themes and self-discovery by the characters are often covered by the comedic situations and overwhelming soundtrack it is still clear that “Atlanta” and it’s producers have come to face reality; a successful show can’t be built solely off of it’s cast. 

Despite it being potentially too early to truly say, it feels as if Atlanta has found its footing in its second season as a bizarre comedy with a set of seemingly shallow characters. However negative this description may seem, in actuality by not over-focusing on the characters “Atlanta” is changing audiences’ perceptions of the typical comedy. The master shots at the beginning of each episode and constant pauses in dialogue typically are viewed as dreadfully boring in other sitcoms, but Glover’s more cinematography-focused approach has allowed for audiences to value the symbolism and weight of each shot and word. With the aid of director Hiro Murai, “Atlanta” is taking the standard conventions of a comedy and is completely going the other direction. Instead of concentrating on the characters “Atlanta” focuses on the setting and rather than having humorous dialogue drive the comedy the show uses the situations to evoke laughter. The first season enabled “Atlanta” to experiment with this absence of conventions and in season two, it is clear the show has perfected the successful surrealism presented in the previous season while continuing to innovate with its screenplay and cinematography.

National Walk Out: March 14th and 20th

Nova Robbins


The recent shooting in Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida on Feb. 14 has led to a National Walk Out on March 14th. This school shooting left 17 kids dead and the student survivors of the event have decided to not wait for change. Instead, they are making sure their voices are heard. To do this, thousands of other school have joined from all around the world to participate in the walkout and to make sure the government and world understand how important school safety is.  

What exactly are the students protesting for?

First, the organizers of the National Walk Out on the 14th are the “Women’s March’s Youth EMPOWER group”. The march was organized to do more than send out tweets and prayers in response to gun violence towards schools and neighborhoods. The marches were organized to take action and demand Congress pass legislation to keep us safe from gun violence at our schools, on our streets,in our homes and at places of worship (“Enough”). 

March on the 20th

In Natick MA, the march was postponed until March 20th because of snow. The walk out was led by seniors at Natick High School. There was talk of walking to the gym for the 17 min walk out but a foot of snow won’t stop the Natick students from showing their concern about school safety. Many students who participated in the event were holding signs promoting school safety and their concerns. The walk out consisted of singing and speeches, and it was truly inspirational to hear how the shooting in Parkland is affecting students all the way in Natick. There were three different perspectives highlighted in the speech. The speakers at the event Caroline Hinrichs, Hallie Gordan, Alex Grace, and Vicki Carmenate. One perspective was that of a Natick student who has a cousin who goes to the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida who had lost two close friends in the shooting. Another of a person who has always been interested in the news and global events who was horrified by what happened in Parkland. The last perspective was of a student concerned about our school safety and who feels that our school needs to do more to resolve the concerns of the students. 


By looking from the outside we all say there is no way anything like this could happen in my school, however the shootings in Parkland and all over America prove that it could happen in any school. This doesn't mean we need to be scared of going to school, this means that we should live our lives to the fullest. Students felt that the adults were not doing enough to stop school gun violence so they are taking it into their own hands to make a change. Help make a change in your community.


“ENOUGH: National School Walkout.” Action Network, www.actionnetwork.org/event_campaigns/enough-national-school-walkout.

After The Walkout: Gun Control Advocacy

By Tia Perkins

After 17 victims were killed in the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School last month, gun control has been a topic of high debate. Many students are taking control by advocating for stricter laws. 

On March 14th, thousands of students around the world participated in the National School Walkout. Students from the Natick Public Schools district participated in this walkout on March 20th. On Saturday, The March For Our Lives took place, with marches in many cities including Washington DC and Boston. Now that these protests are over, many people are questioning, “what’s next?”

Citizens of the United States are not giving up until new gun control laws are implemented. Want to get involved in the protest? Here are 5 ways you can get involved:

1. Administer or Participate in Another School Walkout

April 20th marks the 19th anniversary of the Columbine High School shooting. Following the walkout on March 14th, many students across the country are once again planning to walk out in advocacy for a change. Though Natick will be on school vacation during the time, your ideas and participation can help future walkouts. Don’t be afraid to reach out and organize a protest! More information on how to plan a walkout can be found here.

2. Learn More About Current Laws; What do You Want to Change?

Currently, Massachusetts has some of the strictest gun control laws in the country. However, there is still more that can be changed both in Massachusetts and in America as a whole. A hot topic of discussion is a law that allows private sellers to distribute guns without background checks. This law is in effect nationally, and that includes Massachusetts. The law creates a loophole in which it becomes easy for virtually anyone to obtain a gun. Another topic of debate is the idea of banning semi-automatic and automatic rifles nationally. Some are already banned in Massachusetts, but others still pose a risk of use in a shooting. Learn more about state and federal gun control laws on www.mass.gov and www.nraila.org.

3. Contact Massachusetts Congress Representatives

After becoming educated on gun control laws in the United States, you can put your knowledge into action by contacting representatives in the congress to advocate for a change to be made. Every voice makes a difference! Senator Elizabeth Warren can be contacted here, and Senator Edward Markey can be contacted here.

4. If You Can Vote, do it!

After advocating for new gun control reforms to be passed, new laws still need to be voted on! If citizens get a chance to vote on gun laws, you can help them pass by registering to vote. Once you’re registered, make sure to stay in the loop on when voting takes place!

5. If You See Something, Say Something!

If you encounter any suspicious behavior in the community, make sure to report it! Talk to a trusted adult, fill out the bullying form, or contact the police (depending on the severity). You alone may not be able to change the United States laws, but you can help to protect the Natick community!

There are many ways to get involved in the advocating for gun control laws, whether it be national, state, or community events. Your involvement can help the fight against shootings and gun crimes!

Issue 5: May - June 

The Bombers or the Red Sox?

Jack Shuster

The Red Sox and Yankees have the two best records in the MLB as of May 25th. The Red Sox who stand at 34-16 are 3 games ahead of the Yankees who have a record of 31-15. Both teams have serious power with their lumber and high potential when it comes to getting the job done behind the plate. Both teams arguably have the two best starting lineups in all of baseball with combinations of power and precision all throughout each order. 

Starting with the Red Sox who as of May 25th have the best record in all of baseball. Leading off is the Sox right fielder Mookie Betts who leads the majors in hits (64), home runs (16) and batting average (.362). Brett Gardner, the Yankees leadoff hitter has 37 hits, 1 home run and is batting .233 is no where close to Mookie Betts. Red Sox left fielder Andrew Benintendi who follows Mookie Betts has had a decent start to his 2018 season with 49 hits, 5 home runs and a batting average of .277. While it is only Benintendi’s second season in the MLB, he has continued to develop as a young ball player and has a lot of unlocked potential. Second in the Yankee lineup is right fielder Aaron Judge who has taken the MLB by storm the past two seasons. The Yankees right fielder has had a solid start to his 2018 season with 50 hits, 13 home runs and a batting average of .284. While Judge only has 13 home runs as of May 25th, fans should not be surprised if that number quickly reaches 20 by early June. The Red Sox first baseman, Hanley Ramirez has just been DFA’d by the Red Sox. This decision comes with the return of 2B Dustin Pedroia who is expected to make his season debut this weekend against the Atlanta Braves after an offseason knee surgery. Although the DH has had a reasonable start to his 2018 season with 45 hits, 6 home runs and a batting average of .245, the Red Sox needed to make this move to save some serious money and free up a roster spot for Pedroia. Next, 3rd in the Yanks lineup is shortstop Didi Gregorius, a versatile player with an insane work ethic. The smooth swinging lefty has 41 hits, 11 home runs and is hitting 246 through the beginning of his 2018 season. If the Yankees are going to have a chance in making a big run this postseason, Didi is going to have to really step up his game and take charge of that ballclub. The 4th player in the Red Sox is one of the best power hitters in al of MLB, DH J.D. Martinez. Martinez who was acquired in an offseason signing has drastically improved the Red Sox starting lineup. He has exploded during his 2018 start with 61 hits, 15 home runs and a .328 batting average. Martinez has come up clutch in so many situations this year when the Red Sox needed him most. For the Yankees, left fielder Giancarlo Stanton is 4th in their lineup who was signed in the offseason after his contract expired in Miami. Stanton who has gotten his season off to a nice start with 48 hits, 11 home runs and a batting average of .262 is only just getting started. Last year, Stanton ended with an MLB leading 59 home runs. Stanton still has a shot at beating his season output from last year. Moving on to the 5 hitter in the Red Sox lineups brings up the shortstop, Xander Bogaerts. Bogaerts, who was mashing the ball in his first 6 games as slowed down over the past month. His last 7 days have been rough while he only has 2 hits, 0 home runs and is batting .111. His entire season consists 38 hits, 6 home runs and a batting average of .286. Bogaerts needs to get back to where he started the season in order to give his team the best chance to keep winning games. For the bombers, catcher Gerry Sanchez is in the 5 spot. Currently, Sanchez is not exactly where the Yankees want him to be. While dealing with calf soreness, Sanchez has started his season with 434 hits, 12 home runs and a betting average of .228. The Yankees need to find a way to get their star catcher to produce more than he is right now in efforts to move up to the top of the AL east. The 6 hitter in the Red Sox lineup is Rafael Devers. Devers in his second year of MLB play is still inexperienced and has not made the plays an older third baseman would make understandably. While these mistakes are not such a big deal this early in his career he needs to continue to develop into a smart third baseman who the Sox can count on whenever they need to. Devers who has had an ok start to 2018 with 44 hits, 9 home runs and a betting average of .272 has loads of potential with the Red Sox. The Pinstripers’ 6 hitter is center fielder Aaron Hicks. Hicks, who has gotten off to a tough start in 2018 with 31 hits, 5 home runs and a betting average of .254 continues to make a positive impact on his team in center field making hard catches look like routine fly balls. Hicks is very close to returning where he left off in 2017. For the next day, the The 7 hitter for Boston will be Eduardo Nunez. Nunez who is struggling both offensive and defensively in 2018 with 43 hits, 3 home runs and an average of .249 will be taken out of the Red Sox lineup for 2B Dustin Pedroia. Pedroia will return to the lineup on Friday, May 25th against the Braves at Fenway Park. As for the Yankees, their 7 hitter is third baseman, Miguel Andujar. Andujar who is 45-156 with 5 home runs and an average of .288 is developing into a solid third baseman. The 8 hitter for the Sox is center fielder Jackie Bradley Jr. JBJ who continues to struggle at the plate in 2018 with 24 hits, 2 home runs and a low batting average of .174 needs to get himself together and turn his season around. As it is only May, it is important that JBJ fixes what needs to be fixed sooner rather than later because the Red Sox need production out of their starting center fielder. As for the Yankees their number 8 hitter is 2 second baseman, Gleyber Torres. The Yankees rookie phenom has been swinging a hot bat the past few weeks. Torres who has 30 hits, 8 home runs and is batting .323 gives Yankees fans something to get excited about other than their power hitting right fielder, Aaron Judge. If Torres can continue of even better his output from this season the Yankees will be very pleased with their starting second baseman. Last in the Red Sox lineup is catcher Christian Vasquez. Vasquez who has a laser of an arm has beat out Sandy Leon for the Sox starting job at catcher. Even though Vazquez only has 24 hits, 0 home runs and a .195 batting average he continues to hose guys down on the bases and block wild pitches to save important runs. The number 9 hitter for the Bronx Bombers is shortstop Ronald Torreyes. Torreyes who splits playing time with Austin Romine has 21 hits, 0 home runs and is batting 339 will continue to be used as a utility player unless something significantly changes in the Yankees organization. 

Both the Red Sox and the Yankees have stacked lineups and continue to mash the ball night after night. After all is said and done, who will have the better record and more importantly, who will advance to the World Series?

The NHS Wellness Fair

By Tia Perkins

On Thursday May 31st, Natick High School hosted their annual wellness fair. The wellness fair allows students to explore new ways of staying healthy both mentally and physically. This year, booths included study tips, career counselling, mandala coloring, the Boston Children's Hospital, therapy animals, OUT Metrowest, the Autism Alliance, Jeff’s Place, and more.

At the fair, students were able to learn more about organizations that interest them and interact with booths. There were many activities available to suit all interests; from trampolines to therapy dogs, from interactive displays to handouts.

Hopefully, many students were able to find new interests and ways to stay healthy at the fair. The Wellness Fair housed something for everyone, so be sure to check it out again next year!

2018-2019 Class Officer Elections

By Tia Perkins

On Tuesday morning April 24th, students in grades 9, 10, and 11 prepared speeches to run for class officer positions for the upcoming school year. Students could run for president, vice president, secretary, or treasurer. After many students prepared exemplary speeches, only one student could be elected for each position.

During lunch, students were urged to vote for their class officers. Giving each student a chance to vote allowed for a worthy candidate to be chosen based off of the speeches and campaigning they had done. With each person voting for who they felt could best represent the class allowed for a candidate to be chosen in a fair manner.

On Thursday, two days after the elections, the results came in for the 2018-2019 class officers. For the class of 2021, Alex Edwards was elected president and John Glickman vice president. For the class of 2020, Ben Kaplan was elected president and Victoria Norchi vice president. For the class of 2019, Jackson Bradford was elected president and Brianna Drake vice president. Additionally, a secretary and treasurer has been elected for each class.

These students are now representing their grade by becoming class officer. Great job to all who ran, and congratulations to those elected!

Stacey Abrams: the New Age of Democrats Campaign Strategy

John Donovan

In a landslide victory, former State Representative Stacey Abrams has won the Democratic primary in Georgia’s Governor’s race. As a result of her primary victory, Abrams will be on the ballot in November against the winner of the GOP runoff election.  If elected, Stacey Abrams will be the first African-American women in history to serve as Governor in the United States and would be the first Democrat Governor of Georgia since 2003. However, most of the media focus hasn’t been on the historical precedent set by Abram’s nomination but rather the groundbreaking campaign tactics used by the Abrams Campaign. Almost immediately after Donald Trump was elected President the Democratic agenda became clear; to win back influence through the midterm elections. This goal of winning the majority of the open and contested seats in November initially seemed reasonable. It is common for the opposite party of the President to be propelled to victory solely because of the president's low approval rating (during the middle of their first term). Although now it appears that the “Blue Wave” may not come in with the force anticipated. Even with increased enthusiasm and turnout among Democrats in the Texas and Florida primaries, there is still a considerable (and larger) voter base for Republican candidates. 

This struggle to find a way to bridge the significant gap in party participation has been an area of interests for the Democratic Party since the last presidential election. The Governor's race in Georgia has served as a perfect way for Democrats to test two possible solutions to the extreme voter turnout difference. The first proposed solution was utilized by Abram’s primary opponent, Stacey Evans. Throughout her campaign, Evans attempted to mobilize the sizable population of Georgia Democrats who voted for Trump. Through highlighting her centrist policies and efforts to protect the state’s low-income workers and students Stacey Evans painted herself as a champion of the middle and lower class. The campaign strategy for Evans was simple; return to the forgotten members of the Democratic Party and acknowledge their priorities (increased subsidies, more scholarship grants, etc.). While on the other hand Stacey Abrams’ approach to assembling Democratic Voters, consisted of her focusing on the untapped black and minority population that has so long been the core of the Democratic Party. As of 2016 approximately 21% of the Democratic/Democratic-leaning voters are Black and around 43% are nonwhite (Pew Research Institute). But within recent years as the number of minority democrats has increased the number of white candidates has remained unchanged. To fix this misrepresentation of minorities in Georgia, Abrams focused specifically on what she could do for the substantial black population if elected Governor. It is often that the minority voters in states are pandered to especially among Democratic Candidates, but often the politicians who do so are too far removed from their day-to-day life and concerns to motivate minorities to vote. Through paying specific attention to this “untapped” demographic of Democratic Voters the Abrams Campaign was successfully able to win the primary and garner around 420,000 votes, the highest among any candidate in both the Republican and Democratic Primaries (New York Times). All things considered, it is clear that Abrams’ victory will show the Democratic Party that they have to move on and focus on their new age voters and cannot fight to get the voters they are never getting back as the Democratic Party has changed.



