April 2024


The Republican Primary for (Vice) President

Nathan Moldover, Editor-In-Chief

The Republican Presidential Primary seemed over before it began, and now that it has begun, still seems over. Donald Trump is the only major candidate left in the race. With Trump cruising to renomination, the next biggest question is that of his running mate. His former Vice-President, Mike Pence, essentially took his name out of the . . . KEEP READING


The SAT is officially going digital. What does this mean for us?

Hannah Mevorach, Business Manager, and Bela Kumar

On December 2, 2023, the world of standardized testing lost its oldest member. After 97 years, the paper SAT is officially no more, replaced with the new, shiny digital version. And on March 9, 2024, students all over the . . . KEEP READING


Lunch Blocks, Ranked

Bela Kumar

Natick High School typically follows a four period schedule, with the first block being at 8:15 and the final block ending at 2:17. Each block is 80 minutes, and five minutes of passing time are provided between each period. First period is characterized by sleepiness, grumbling stomachs meet second period, third block contains the . . . KEEP READING


Hallyu Late Nites (Music Edition)

Marina Eigenmann

March 22, 2024. The MFA’s Hallyu exhibition officially opened to the general public, and they held the annual late nites to celebrate the opening. In attendance with me were some 5,000 people, less than the last one (held for Sargent back in the fall), but still a crazy amount of people. The exhibition, celebrating Korean pop culture, was . . . KEEP READING


The White Cross

Sophia McDonough

He crunched the bourbon leaves beneath him, face straight, posture high. His eyes narrowed in on the clearing in the sober wood. Past the dull grass was a singular dark tree, one that absorbed the beaming sunlight leaving no room for hope in the meadow. Attached to the tall timber was a white cross, one that opposed the murk . . . KEEP READING