Forgotten History

Column by Natick Nest Staff

This column aims to teach underrepresented history and unpack why society has pushed these topics to the side.


Forgotten History: The Other 9/11

Claire Mukigi  |  November 2022

September 11th, 2001 is a day that every American knows. However, many people have never heard about September 11, 1973 in Chile, also known as “The Other 9/11”. During the Cold War, President Nixon and his administration worked hard to combat socialism. In Chile, President Salvador Allende . . . KEEP READING


Forgotten History: The Taboo History of Queer America

Natick Nest Staff  |  June 2022

Those familiar with Stonewall understand its significance. The Stonewall riots are often cited as the beginning of the modern pride movement. Yet, for those unaware, it remains an important story in queer resistance. This story begins inside the sweaty Stonewall Inn, in Greenwich Village, NYC. Yet, in order to . . . KEEP READING