ELE Program Forms

These forms are for use by ELE Program staff. If you think you may need a form, please contact your building's EL teacher.

Link to District Translated Documents spreadsheet

Program Folder Checklist (paperwork needed in each student's ELE folder)

Initial Identification

Home Language Surveys in All Languages

Initial Screening Questions (to document the outcome of your interview with parents)

Intention to Screen Form (state mandated, send within 10 days of student arrival for students you need to screen)

Initial & Annual Placement Notification (Send within 30 days of student arrival for students you have screened. If a student qualifies for EL support, send this form along with the Annual Packet below.)

Annual Packet for All Qualifying ELs (Including Opt-Outs)

Annual Packet Cover Letter

Benchmarks Executive Summary in All Languages

Student Success Plan Info for Parents

Student Success Plan

Opt-Out Students

Opt-Out Form (signed by parents each year)

Opt-Out & FEL Monitoring Form (completed by teachers in winter and spring)

Consulting (document your meetings about EL students)

Consulting Notes Form

ACCESS Testing

2024 ACCESS Parent Letter with ACCESS Report

Parent Handout about Scores in All Languages

ACCESS ALT Parent Handout about Scores in All Languages

2024-25 ACCESS Parent Letter BEFORE Testing Jan. 2025

Parent Handout Before Testing in All Languages

ACCESS ALT Parent Handout Before Testing in All Languages

Monitoring PreK and Kindergarten

Monitoring PreK Form (use PreK Can-Do Descriptors with Name Form)

Monitoring Kindergarten Form (use progress reports below)

Former English Learners

2024-25 Reclassification Form

FEL Exit Letter

Sample Letter to Colleagues about the Monitoring Form

Opt-Out & FEL Monitoring Form (completed by teachers in winter and spring)

Progress Reports

K-5 Entering/Emerging (Levels 1 & 2)

K-5 Developing/Expanding (Levels 3 & 4)

K-5 Bridging/Reaching (Levels 5 & 6)

Middle School - All Levels

High School - All Levels

School Report Cards (alphabetical by grade and language)


Grade 1:

Grade 2:

Grade 3:

Grade 4:

Grade 5:

Grade 6:

Grade 7:

Grade 8: